Welcome to Natural Neurofeedback
Natural Neurofeedback is a blog dedicated to the emerging practice of EEG (Electroencephalogram) neurofeedback therapy. Neurofeedback therapy is a relaxing and universally beneficial type of brain training that can both improve overall mental functioning and peak performance, as well as be used to treat a number of different psychological disorders and dysfunctions.
While not yet a widespread or common practice, neurofeedback has already shown to produce strong results in a variety of different settings through a wide number of different studies which I look forward to sharing on this site. But before I delve into the research and studies surrounding neurofeedback, I’d like to give a general introduction to how the process works.

What is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is a relatively new type of therapy that uses real time brain scans to help better regulate the brain and improve its functioning. A healthy brain is based on well regulated and balanced levels of different brain waves such as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and Theta. By using simple non-invasive sensors, a clinician is able to see your live brain activity including these various types of brain waves. Many psychological disorders and dysfunctions can be traced to an imbalance in brain waves thus regulating these brain waves serves to treat the disorder or at least improve the symptoms. If your brain isn’t functioning at an optimal level, you may experience fatigue, insomnia, disinterest, brain fog or difficulty concentrating.
Although some forms of neurofeedback will put the clinician in control of guiding brain wave activity in different parts of the brain, Natural Neurofeedback believes the body is best able to assess and fix itself. Our neurofeedback system Neuroptimal presents your brain with the information it needs to correct itself. Our Neuroptimal system reads your brain activity while calming visuals and audio are played. Whenever the client’s brain activity becomes unstable or undesired, a brief skip in the audio tells the brain to change its functioning for better efficiency. This simple form of feedback allows the brain to learn how to control and improve its regulation of different brain waves. Essentially, the brain is able to see a reflection of itself as in a mirror and uses that information to fine tune its functions just as someone looking at themselves in a mirror is able to greater control their own facial expressions.
While this process may seem difficult or complex, the best part is that your brain does all the hard work for you. By merely being alert and engaged during sessions which lasts between 40 minutes and an hour your brain will unconsciously recognize it’s deficits and train itself to fix them. Client’s can expect to see significant and lasting difference after ten sessions. Usually treatments are once or twice a week. While nearly anyone can benefit from the increased mental sharpness and focus that comes from neurofeedback, this therapy is especially effective in treating a number of different disorders such as ADHD/ADD, Anxiety, Alzheimer’s, and Depression, Autism, Traumatic Brain Injury, Seizures, Stroke and more. Most importantly, neurofeedback is virtually risk free with no side effects and no chance of conflicting with any current medication or treatment plan.
Check back next week for more detailed information on some on how neurofeedback works and it’s many benefits.
Written By David Butler
Lakeland, FL