Herbal Supplement capsules in glass bowl next to fresh picked flowers

Services for Senior Citizens

IV Therapy

IV Micronutrient Therapy is an infusion of natural supplements into the blood stream in order to combat nutritional deficiencies as well as give a significant boost to a person’s mood, energy levels, and immune system.  As opposed to regular supplements, the infusion stays in the body for a much longer (around 3-4 weeks) and the high dose produces much more significant effects.  In addition to providing major relief to those suffering from chronic conditions, IV therapy can help to ward off or recover from an illness.  At the Natural Medicine Center we offer a variety of infusions to meet your specific needs and can custom make infusions for what your body needs based on your lab tests.


Doctor’s will always stress the importance of keeping up with prescribed medication, but they often don’t tell you that

diet and lifestyle changes including supplements can sometimes eliminate the problem completely.  Nearly half of all senior citizens’ in America are on five or more medications for conditions that in many cases are treatable.  Even worse is that many elderly will have long lists of medications with extensive instructions on when to take them and warnings against interactions with other drugs.  Why take handfuls of harmful medications every day when you can take natural supplements that support your body’s natural processes and produce minimal to no side effects?

At the Natural Medicine Center we carry a wide range of natural supplements to meet anyone’s needs. From general wellness Vitamin’s, sleep support from Melatonin, digestive support from probiotics, natural anti-inflammatory supplements and more.  The supplements that we carry come from reputable pharmaceutical sources which are highly tested and more pure and effective than what is usually found in the supermarkets.  In addition to our traditional supplements, we also offer Chinese herbals of all types through the company Evergreen herbs.


It’s no secret that as we grow older our brains become more rigid and set in their ways, often making it difficult for us to make changes or learn new things.  Neurofeedback is a brain training service that can slow down the natural decline of mental faculties and help improve areas such as memory, focus, sleep, and more.  At the Natural Medicine Center we use Neuroptimal neurofeedback due to its holistic and safe nature with zero reported side effects.

In a session of Neuroptimal neurofeedback the client simply sits back as relaxing music and visuals play on a computer. A few un-invasive sensors will read your live brain activity and feed the activity back to the client.  Through this relaxing and therapeutic process the brain is able to see how it is functioning and improve itself.  Neuroptimal neurofeedback can help you develop the flexibility and resiliency to face each new day with a fresh start. Neurofeedback has been proven effective in treating depression, anxiety and neurological disorders.

Mental Health and Medication Counseling

As a holistic practitioner Dr. Catherine assess and treats her patients mentally and physically, this means that each patient is given personal attention and not merely seen as their diagnosis.  A wellness consultation with Dr. Catherine involves half an hour or 1 hour to go over your medical history, presenting/pressing problems, and finally developing a treatment plan.  With her degree in psychpharmacology Dr. Catherine is well versed in the effects of different medications and helps her patients to downsize their prescriptions in favor of natural alternatives that are beneficial for the body.

When seeing patients Dr. Catherine aims to both resolve existing issues as well as help her clients learn how to take care of their health to stay healthy for the future.  In addition to expertly managing the medications of her patients, Dr. Catherine offers counseling so that she can get to the root of a patient’s issue and teach them positive coping strategies that they can use in the future.  If you’ve ever felt unsatisfied or unsure about the prescription or treatment plan your doctor has advised, you are fully within your rights as a patient to schedule an appointment with Dr. Catherine for a second opinion.

Home Helpers & Direct Link of Polk County

The process of selecting a good and competent agency that will provide compassionate care is rigorous and tasking. Home Helpers strives to make things easy.

Home Helpers is a nationally known but locally owned home health care agency. Numerous happy clients choose them because:

  • There is no minimum hours or deposit requirement like most agencies.
  • The caregivers truly care. The caregivers are matched to clients based on personalities, and specialties.
  • The caregiving staff has workers compensation insurance coverage that protect our clients for liability. They have been background checked as part of the hiring process.
  • Home Helpers is insured and bonded.
  • Home Helpers guarentees 24hr phone response care.Our services range from: medication reminding, personal care, light house cleaning, errands, and transportation to client transferring and Hoyer-lifting care.

Further Reading:

BEMER Study – Gyulai, F., Rába, K., Baranyai, I., Berkes, E., & Bender, T. (2015). BEMER Therapy Combined with Physiotherapy in Patients with Musculoskeletal Diseases: A Randomised, Controlled Double Blind Follow-Up Pilot Study. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM2015, 245742.

The Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland

315 Doris Dr. Lakeland, FL 33813

863-899-9977 email: info@naturallakeland.com

Website: naturallakeland.com

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Device


Have you heard the *Buzz* about Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Devices?



PEMF—that is a lexicon you’d be wise to hold at the forefront of your mind. Why? PEMFs exist as a technologic category of devices (different brands / different frequency settings)…but this group of *wellness tools* is evolving quick and gaining in popularity. PEMFs heighten oxygen uptake within every cell of an exposed human’s body. Enhanced O2 uptake means that your body’s metabolism improves. Also, PEMF exposed cells in your body receive the blood and nutrients necessary for healing. PEMF units direct rapid but intermittent magnetic impulses through tissue—which stimulates cellular repair (for review, [1]). This therapy can be used on a concentrated area of the body or on the body as a whole.

Our bodies have between 70 and 90 BILLION cells within them. Cells are healthy / happy when they are both nourished and detoxified. Slow or low blood perfusion in our microvessels sets an occasion for chronic disease development. Here’s some good news: PEMF therapy actually acts to ‘flush’ microvessels. Said differently, the PEMF intensifies blood and lymph circulation. With blood pumping more efficiently, and lymph flowing more readily, body cells eliminate toxins. This is because transiently absorbed electromagnetic energy—much like a physiochemical catalysts–intervenes in and ACTIVATES biological processes [2].


How do you use the device?

All you have to do is lie down on the device for 8 minutes once or twice a day. If you want to use the device on a specific body part, many PEMF devices boast an additional ‘area specific’ or focused PEMF accessory. The area specific PEMF accessory can be held over injured or inflamed body parts (e.g., inflamed or swollen knee/ ankle). A stressed or injured region of the body engages immunologic repair mechanisms more quickly due to positive changes in microcirculation, vasomotion, venous outflow, and oxygen utilization [3].


Are there Psychic or BioSocial Applications for PEMF units?

Lots of citizens in today’s fast paced society succumb to stress, then experiencing depression. Did you know that electromagnetic field therapies elevate a person’s mood [4]? Mounting anecdotal evidence suggests that the specific PEMF device we are willing to SHARE (come to the Natural Medicine Center) has a mood elevating effect.


What else are PEMF units useful for?

Beyond putting more bounce in your steps, preclinical evidence has also made manifest a positive effect of PEMF devices on wound healing and inflammation in eye tissues [5]. Moreover, PEMF units assist with kidney difficulties [6], and with arthritis pain/ swelling [7]. With PEMFs – You’ll Rest Easier

Sleep promotes health, right? Here is a personal testimony: due to my new habit of regularly exposing myself to PEMF, I sleep better. If you took the bold step to become a PEMF owner, you too would be able to sleep all night on this WONDERFUL device. If you are impressed or at least intrigued by the PEMF discussion that I have laid out for you in this blog, please come by the Natural Medicine Center for a free session. I realize that the Lays Potato Chip Company already “coined” this marketing slogan….but several of the patients that I’ve introduced our PEMF device to…well, they say it’s pretty hard to stop with just ONE (session). –Dr Catherine Onuoha, RPh, PhD, BCPP



___________________Work Cited_____________________________________

1. Indian J Exp Biology (2009);47(12):939-948

2. Biology of Sport (2008);25(2):p.147

3. Journal of Complementary & Integrative Medicine (2013);10(Suppl): pS39

4. Acta Neuropsychiatry (2014);26(3):155-160

5. Opthamalogica (2003);217: 143- 147

6. Bull Exp Biol Medicin (2014);157: 440 -442

7. Life Sciences (2007); 80:2403 -2410

Feel Better Fast With Natural Remedies

Help! Environmental Allergies



Spring is the season prized for lovely new “blooms”, but as many of us have noticed, ALLERGIES roll in during our Spring Season in Florida. Allergy sufferers are bothered by sinus or tension headaches, body aches, excessive mucous, sneezing and tearing or swelling eyes. The unfortunate truth is: Allergies aren’t curable, we can only work towards lessening symptoms. The mechanism underlying an environmentally instigated allergic response is the immune system.



Treat Your Symptoms



Taking natural herbal remedies is the best way to get rid of your allergy symptoms. Keep in mind that MANY supplements are misbranded—shoppers must be very intentional—you should buy supplements only from a trusted source. We recommend the quality supplements obtained from trained herbalists, or a doctor that you trust.



Distance Yourself from Pollen- Dust- or Mold



I’ve trained  patients to stay away from the natural substances and chemical entities each person is sensitized to.  Patients who are allergic to pollen should dwell indoors during the peak pollen dissemination intervals [8 am – 12 pm and 5:00pm – 9:00pm].  Humidity is also a factor to contemplate as an allergy-sufferer plans out his/her nature tours.  The general rule of thumb is to expect higher pollen counts on hot , dry and windy days.



Cook with Ginger


Ginger is a natural antihistamine and decongestant. It will provide you with relief from allergy symptoms by helping to open up your bronchial tubes.

Also eating apples, carrots, red onions, black tea and collard greens will also help your food fight off allergens.





Lobelia inflata is an herb that is used to treat asthma, allergies, whooping cough, congestion, and bronchitis. In the past, this useful herb had some utility for tobacco withdrawal, and to assist smokers in their pledge to stop smoking.




How we can help you at The Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland:




The image above is a high resolution infrared image of a client’s head who suffers from environmental allergies. The red and white HOT areas of the image represent INFLAMMATION. As you can see the client imaged has inflammation around her eyes, and in her sinus cavities. She also has some inflammation in her neck where her lymphatic system is. This is an indicator that her body is having an immune response to her allergens. Thermography is an innovative medical discovery tool. We are able to see if there are areas in your body that need extra support to prevent disease and illness. If we see signs that your immune system is struggling in certain areas of your body, we can help you treat the issue. Then in the future, we can repeat a thermal scan in the area of interest to make sure you are on the mend.



Allergy testing

Since it is in your best interest to stay away and defend yourself from your allergens, taking an allergy test is a great first step. We offer a simple and inexpensive in office blood test that will not only tell you what you are allergic to, but also how severe your allergy is.



Natural Allergy Supplements:




Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (often short handed: PUFAs) –

have anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. People who have food allergies benefit preferentially from Omega 3 supplements, as Fish Oil and various purified PUFA capsules are superb for controlling intestinal allergies.

RIF – Resolve Internal Fire –

A proprietary blend of herbs, with Curcumin as its primary ingredient.  Curcumins are plant derived and cleanly extracted from a turmeric rhizome plant.  This herbal blend also features licorice root.  The herbal acts as a POTENT anti-inflammatory.  As allergic symptoms have genesis from inflamed mucous membranes—this blended herb will help!



Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine Holistic Homeopathic Eastern Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida Polk County Integrated Integrative Approach Dr Catherine OnuohaFunctional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of people today. The traditional focus of medicine is disease-centered focus of medical practice where Functional Medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Functional Medicine practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. Functional Medicine supports the unique expression of vitality and health  for each individual.

  • Functional Medicine enables physicians and other health professionals to practice proactive, predictive, personalized medicine and empowers patients to take an active role in their own health.
  • Functional Medicine incorporates the latest in genetic science, systems biology, and understanding of how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of disease.
  • Functional Medicine offers a powerful new operating system and clinical model for assessment, treatment, and prevention of chronic disease to replace the outdated and ineffective acute-care models carried forward from the 20th century.

How Functional Medicine Heals a Key Health Care Gap

Today’s health care system is in trouble because it applies a medical management model that works well for acute health problems to chronic health problems, where it is much less successful. If you have a heart attack, accident or sudden lung infection such as pneumonia, you certainly want a quick-thinking doctor to use all the quick-acting resources of modern medicine, such as life-saving technology, surgery and antibiotics. Jumping in with drugs, surgery and other acute care treatments too often does not succeed in helping those with chronic, debilitating ailments, such as diabetes, heart disease or arthritis. Another approach is needed.

The Two-Pronged Healing Approach of Functional Medicine

To battle chronic health conditions, Functional Medicine uses two scientifically grounded principles:

  1. Add what’s lacking in the body to nudge its physiology back to a state of optimal functioning.
  2. Remove anything that impedes the body from moving toward this optimal state of physiology.

Plainly put, your body naturally wants to be healthy. But things needed by the body to function at its best might be missing, or something might be standing in the way of its best functioning. Functional Medicine first identifies the factors responsible for the malfunctioning. Then it deals with those factors in a way appropriate to the patient’s particular situation. Very often Functional Medicine practitioners use advanced laboratory testing to identify the root cause or causes of the patient’s health problem. Old-fashioned medical diagnosis helps too, in the form of listening carefully to the patient’s history of symptoms and asking questions about his or her activities and lifestyle. For treatment, Functional Medicine practitioners use a combination of natural agents (supplements, herbs, nutraceuticals and homeopathics), nutritional and lifestyle changes, spiritual/emotional counseling, and pharmaceuticals, if necessary to prod a patient’s physiology back to an optimal state. In addition, educating the patient about their condition empowers them to take charge of their own health, ultimately leading to greater success in treatment.

Treating Symptoms Versus Treating the Person

In the dominant health care model today, medication is used to get rid of people’s symptoms. If the patient stops taking the medication, symptoms generally return. Functional Medicine approaches health problems differently. Instead of masking the problem, it aims at restoring the body’s natural functioning. Although Functional Medicine practitioners may prescribe pharmaceuticals, they are used to gently nudge the patient’s physiology in a positive direction so the patient will no longer need them. For example, conventional doctors would normally prescribe pharmaceuticals like Prilosec, Prevacid or Aciphex to treat acid reflux or heartburn. When the patient stops taking such drugs, the heartburn symptoms come back. In contrast, a Functional Medicine practitioner might find that a patient’s acid reflux is caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Eradicating the Helicobacter pylori might very well lead to the end of heartburn symptoms, permanently. It’s also important to note that in Functional Medicine, treatment for similar symptoms might vary tremendously for different patients, according to their medical history and results of laboratory tests. Factors that can come into play in producing the same symptoms include toxic chemicals, pathogenic bacteria, parasites, chronic viral pathogens, emotional poisons like anger, greed or envy, and structural factors such as tumors or cysts.

The Roots of Functional Medicine

Sir William Osler Functional Medicine Pioneer Homeopathic Holistic Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida Polk County Alternative Approach Dr Catherine Onuoha

Sir William Osler Functional Medicine Pioneer

You may be surprised to learn that Functional Medicine isn’t new. It actually represents a return to the roots of modern scientific medicine, captured in this statement by Sir William Osler, one of the first professors at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and later its Physician-in-Chief: “The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” Another important saying by Osler is “If you listen carefully to the patient, they will tell you the diagnosis.” This encapsulates the importance placed in Functional Medicine on taking a thorough history from the patient.

Your Experience of Functional Medicine

We have titled this web site, “Your Medical Detective,” because patients often feel their Functional Medicine practitioner is leaving no stone unturned in their relentless research to pinpoint the causes of a particular patient’s symptoms. When you consult a Functional Medicine practitioner, the first step is always your history. Practitioners are trained on how to unravel and make sense of a complicated story. Often clues in the story lead to the identification of key imbalances. The next set of clues comes from a comprehensive physical examination, which includes many nearly forgotten examination procedures used by famous diagnosticians (both living and long gone), such as chapman reflex points, ankle brachial reflex and nail inspection. The final set of clues comes from advanced laboratory testing. Innovative, cutting-edge lab tests help the practitioner look deeply into a patient’s physiology to identify how it has been compromised and how physiological balance can be restored. After diagnosis and treatment, a Functional Medicine patient can expect his or her symptoms to diminish in severity, with a renewed sense of well-being and significant increase in health and vitality. While there is no substitute for face-to-face treatment from a trained Functional Medicine practitioner, this site educates you on the Functional Medicine perspective and on the kinds of clues and treatments that may be key to restoring you to optimal health.

A Little Each Day…

Dear Friends,   Pheww.. these last few years have been a lot to manage. Between trying to stay healthy, supply shortages and just a whole lot of drama, we have all had a lot on our plates! Here at the Natural Medicine Center we want to encourage our community members and patients to stay positive. […]

Thermography after COVID

  Darla Fleche, has been a clinical thermographer at Natural Medicine Center since 2015. Darla reports that in her practice, she is seeing a lot of patients who have recovered from COVID but now have new health challenges that have emerged after their infections.   ‘COVID seems to affect everyone a little differently. Some examples […]

Emergency Ready!

Prepare for an EMERGENCY now     Dr. Catherine is passionate about being ready for any curveballs 2022 might throw our way! Watch the video below for more information!       Dr. Catherine recommends getting a ‘bug out bag’ ready for emergency evacuation… ———————————————————————- https://www.thebugoutbagguide.com/bug-out-bag-list/   ————————————————————   News outlets are projecting supply chain […]

Wellness with Epigenetics

Unlock your CodeExpress your Limitless State of Wellness with Epigenetics Have you have tried different strategies to change your state of health, they have worked for other people but not for you? Are you still looking for answers in regards to your health and wellness? Do you want to take your wellness to the next level? Do you […]

4 DIY ways to keep your lymph clean

Drink plenty of water Clean eating Dry Brushing Exercise 1.  Drink Plenty of Water 8 Glasses per day? How much water should we drink per day? Between 7-11 glass per day.  2. Clean Eating At The Natural Medicine Center we believe that the right diet is very unique to each person. We recommend different diets […]

Avoid Getting Leaky Gut

      Gut health and avoiding a leaky gut is not only important for those of us with digestive issues but is important for all of us! The continuity and strength of our gastrointestinal (GI) membrane barrier is vital for immunologic functioning. The layered GI barrier system also permits our gut lumen spaces to […]

Candida Overgrowth

Candida Overgrowth Causes and Treatment with a Natural Approach

Candida Yeast Overgrowth Infection Over Eating Sweets Sugar Cure Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central FloridaIt’s hard to live in a living world without some living organisms taking residence on or inside of your body. It might not be the most pleasant idea, but everyone is carrying bugs of some sort. Harmful organisms in the intestines and bacteria in the gut are among the most common. Another is Candida albicans. If you’ve ever experienced a yeast infection, then you probably know this one well  . Although everyone has Candida, problems are unlikely to arise if it’s kept in balance. However, if Candida imbalance occurs, so may a yeast infection. Yeast infections can affect the mouth, skin and genitals (and that includes women AND men) and range in severity from inconvenient and uncomfortable to life-threatening. Additionally, overgrowth in the gastrointestinal tract may be a catalyst for serious problems if the fungus enters the bloodstream.

Let’s take a look at a few other must-know facts about yeast infections.

1. Yeast Infections May Occur Orally

Gross. Really? Yes, oral yeast infections are commonly called thrush. This infection is common in newborns but typically passes quickly. Babies are not the only ones affected, a recent study found that oral Candida overgrowth occurs in one out of every four adults. Poor oral hygiene is often a primary factor. Researchers identified the presence of plaque, tartar, and amalgam fillings as significantly related to the degree of Candida present. [1] The best defense? Proper, and regular, oral hygiene.

2. Vaginal Yeast Infections Can Be Tricky

Practicing good hygiene is a very good deterrent for yeast infections. However, this isn’t always the case. Frequent douching has been associated with higher incidences of yeast infections. So has wearing tight nylon or synthetic underwear. Oddly enough, over-the-counter anti-fungal medications have also been associated with stubborn occurrences of vaginal candiadosis. [2] The use of intrauterine contraceptive devices also show a statistically significant increase in Candida infection. [3]

3. Use of an Asthma Inhaler May Contribute to Candida

A Brazilian study of adults using inhalers for longer than 6 months identified oral candidiasis as one of several adverse effects. [4] Anyone using an inhaler, or any other oral appliance (such as mouth guards, retainers, or dentures) should be aware of the possibility of Candida exposure.

4. Candida Naturally Occurs On and In Humans

Microbiota like Candida occur naturally on human skin and in the human gastrointestinal tract. In healthy individuals, the immune system and symbiotic bacteria help keep these fungal species in check. Not surprisingly, persons with compromised immune systems are among the most susceptible to Candida overgrowth.

5. The Connection Between Diabetes and Candida

Individuals with diabetes are more likely to develop genital yeast infections, both women and men. The high blood glucose levels of diabetics encourage yeast growth. And, because it inhibits immune response, the risk of recurring infection is higher. Women are more likely to suffer infection from Candida alibicans and Candida glabrate. Uncircumsized men may experience infection from Candida balaritis. [5]

6. Candida Often Accompanies HIV

Research has shown nearly 90% of HIV positive patients suffer from oral Candiadisis. In contrast, these patients do not experience an increase in genital yeast infection. [6]

7. Candida Loves Carbohydrates

While Candida occurs naturally in the human digestive tract, how much is present depends quite a bit on diet. Studies have identified that persons whose diets are high in carbohydrates are more susceptible than persons whose diets are high in amino acids, proteins and fatty acids. Candida levels increase most immediately following consumption of carbohydrates.[7]

8. You Can Protect Yourself With Probiotics

Intestinal yeast infections, or Candida overgrowth, have been associated with the development of several Irritable Bowel Diseases (IBDs) such as Crohn’s disease. Protecting intestinal health has become a major focus for research. One study identified a probiotic strain as successful for improving cellular defense against Candida. [8]

9. Presents an Increased Risk of MS

This one is an unforeseen doozy to most — Candida infection has been associated with increased odds of multiple sclerosis (MS). A case-control study evaluated the relationship of MS and Candida infection and discovered that MS patients showed higher overall blood serum levels of Candida than the control group. [9]

10. Potential Remedy for Warts?

Perhaps not all facts about Candida infections are bad. One study found positive benefits from using a purified C. albicans antigen solution for persistent warts. This has led researchers to suggest intralesional Candida immunotherapy may provide an effective treatment for warts resistant to other forms of destruction. [10]


Contact Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland if you are suffering from Candida Overgrowth

A Little Each Day…

Dear Friends,   Pheww.. these last few years have been a lot to manage. Between trying to stay healthy, supply shortages and just a whole lot of drama, we have all had a lot on our plates! Here at the Natural Medicine Center we want to encourage our community members and patients to stay positive. […]

Thermography after COVID

  Darla Fleche, has been a clinical thermographer at Natural Medicine Center since 2015. Darla reports that in her practice, she is seeing a lot of patients who have recovered from COVID but now have new health challenges that have emerged after their infections.   ‘COVID seems to affect everyone a little differently. Some examples […]

Emergency Ready!

Prepare for an EMERGENCY now     Dr. Catherine is passionate about being ready for any curveballs 2022 might throw our way! Watch the video below for more information!       Dr. Catherine recommends getting a ‘bug out bag’ ready for emergency evacuation… ———————————————————————- https://www.thebugoutbagguide.com/bug-out-bag-list/   ————————————————————   News outlets are projecting supply chain […]

Wellness with Epigenetics

Unlock your CodeExpress your Limitless State of Wellness with Epigenetics Have you have tried different strategies to change your state of health, they have worked for other people but not for you? Are you still looking for answers in regards to your health and wellness? Do you want to take your wellness to the next level? Do you […]

4 DIY ways to keep your lymph clean

Drink plenty of water Clean eating Dry Brushing Exercise 1.  Drink Plenty of Water 8 Glasses per day? How much water should we drink per day? Between 7-11 glass per day.  2. Clean Eating At The Natural Medicine Center we believe that the right diet is very unique to each person. We recommend different diets […]

Avoid Getting Leaky Gut

      Gut health and avoiding a leaky gut is not only important for those of us with digestive issues but is important for all of us! The continuity and strength of our gastrointestinal (GI) membrane barrier is vital for immunologic functioning. The layered GI barrier system also permits our gut lumen spaces to […]


  1. Muzurovic S, Babajic E, Masic T, Smajic R, Selmanagic A. The relationship between oral hygiene and oral colonisation with Candida species. Med Arh. 2012;66(6):415-7.
  2. Ekpenyong CE, Inyang-etoh EC, Ettebong EO, Akpan UP, Ibu JO, Daniel NE.Recurrent vulvovaginal candidosis among young women in south eastern Nigeria: the role of lifestyle and health-care practices. Int J STD AIDS. 2012 Oct;23(10):704-9. doi: 10.1258/ijsa.2012.011382.
  3. Güdücü N, Gönenç G, Içi H, Yi?iter AB, Basüllü N, Dünder I. Clinical importance of detection of bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas vaginalis, candida albicans and actinomyces in Papanicolaou smears. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2012;39(3):333-6.
  4. Pinto CR, Almeida NR, Marques TS, Yamamura LL, Costa LA, Souza-Machado A. Local adverse effects associated with the use of inhaled corticosteroids in patients with moderate or severe asthma. J Bras Pneumol. 2013 Jun-Aug;39(4):409-17. doi: 10.1590/S1806-37132013000400003.
  5. PNyirjesy P, Sobel JD. Genital mycotic infections in patients with diabetes. Postgrad Med. 2013 May;125(3):33-46. doi: 10.3810/pgm.2013.05.2650.
  6. Fidel PL Jr. Immunity to Candida. Oral Dis. 2002;8 Suppl 2:69-75.
  7. Hoffmann C, Dollive S, Grunberg S, Chen J, Li H, Wu GD, Lewis JD, Bushman FD. Archaea and fungi of the human gut microbiome: correlations with diet and bacterial residents. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 17;8(6):e66019. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066019. Print 2013.
  8. Rizzo A, Losacco A, Carratelli CR. Lactobacillus crispatus modulates epithelial cell defense against Candida albicans through Toll-like receptors 2 and 4, interleukin 8 and human β-defensins 2 and 3. Immunol Lett. 2013 Oct 10. pii: S0165-2478(13)00158-2. doi: 10.1016/j.imlet.2013.08.013.
  9. Benito-León J, Pisa D, Alonso R, Calleja P, Díaz-Sánchez M, Carrasco L. Association between multiple sclerosis and Candida species: evidence from a case-control study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2010 Sep;29(9):1139-45. doi: 10.1007/s10096-010-0979-y. Epub 2010 Jun 17.
  10. Majid I, Imran S. Immunotherapy with Intralesional Candida Albicans Antigen in Resistant or Recurrent Warts: A Study. Indian J Dermatol. 2013 Sep;58(5):360-365.

Balancing Hormones

Balancing hormones can be influenced by a number of factors in men and women. Fluctuations in hormone levels occur throughout the lifecycle, some are just a natural part of aging while others may be the result of stress, toxic exposures, diet, or unhealthy sleep patterns. It is important to monitor your hormone levels throughout the lifespan and take action early to address imbalances before it affects your health or quality of life.

 Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

The symptoms of hormone imbalance may vary from person to person and evolve over time. For example, a woman may experience menopausal symptoms, like hot flashes during the early stages of menopause, but she may continue to experience these discomforts for years after the menstrual cycle has stopped. Men often experience symptoms on an intermittent basis as testosterone levels begin to decline in his late 20s. Symptoms often become frequent or compile as a man reaches middle age.

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Muscle loss
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Low energy

The Benefits of Balanced Hormones

Achieving balancing hormones offers men and women a number of benefits, such as more energy, better sleep, and stabilized moods, but beyond that research has shown that hormone therapy improves overall health by reducing the risk of disease.

Late in 2015, the results of the Veterans Database Study found that men who treated low testosterone with testosterone therapy experienced a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in early 2016 found that testosterone therapy improved mood, sexual health, and physical fitness in men.

Among women, hormone therapy has been heralded as the best treatment for menopause, helping to reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms. In March of 2016, the results of the highly anticipated ELITE study were published in NEJM, finding that women who begin hormone therapy early in their menopausal years experienced a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Finding the Right Hormone Balance

Hormone (and thyroid) balancing is one of Dr. Catherine’s focus areas and one of the primary patient types which she sees. Dr. Catherine understands that achieving balance is a combination of advanced therapies, like bioidentical hormone therapy, and dynamic strategies for nutrition, stress management, and sleep that work synergistically to promote optimal health. Dr. Catherine has been specially-trained and certified in bioidentical hormone therapy and functional medicine practices to ensure every patient receives elite care and maximizes their health potential.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Device


Have you heard the *Buzz* about Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Devices?



PEMF—that is a lexicon you’d be wise to hold at the forefront of your mind. Why? PEMFs exist as a technologic category of devices (different brands / different frequency settings)…but this group of *wellness tools* is evolving quick and gaining in popularity. PEMFs heighten oxygen uptake within every cell of an exposed human’s body. Enhanced O2 uptake means that your body’s metabolism improves. Also, PEMF exposed cells in your body receive the blood and nutrients necessary for healing. PEMF units direct rapid but intermittent magnetic impulses through tissue—which stimulates cellular repair (for review, [1]). This therapy can be used on a concentrated area of the body or on the body as a whole.

Our bodies have between 70 and 90 BILLION cells within them. Cells are healthy / happy when they are both nourished and detoxified. Slow or low blood perfusion in our microvessels sets an occasion for chronic disease development. Here’s some good news: PEMF therapy actually acts to ‘flush’ microvessels. Said differently, the PEMF intensifies blood and lymph circulation. With blood pumping more efficiently, and lymph flowing more readily, body cells eliminate toxins. This is because transiently absorbed electromagnetic energy—much like a physiochemical catalysts–intervenes in and ACTIVATES biological processes [2].


How do you use the device?

All you have to do is lie down on the device for 8 minutes once or twice a day. If you want to use the device on a specific body part, many PEMF devices boast an additional ‘area specific’ or focused PEMF accessory. The area specific PEMF accessory can be held over injured or inflamed body parts (e.g., inflamed or swollen knee/ ankle). A stressed or injured region of the body engages immunologic repair mechanisms more quickly due to positive changes in microcirculation, vasomotion, venous outflow, and oxygen utilization [3].


Are there Psychic or BioSocial Applications for PEMF units?

Lots of citizens in today’s fast paced society succumb to stress, then experiencing depression. Did you know that electromagnetic field therapies elevate a person’s mood [4]? Mounting anecdotal evidence suggests that the specific PEMF device we are willing to SHARE (come to the Natural Medicine Center) has a mood elevating effect.


What else are PEMF units useful for?

Beyond putting more bounce in your steps, preclinical evidence has also made manifest a positive effect of PEMF devices on wound healing and inflammation in eye tissues [5]. Moreover, PEMF units assist with kidney difficulties [6], and with arthritis pain/ swelling [7]. With PEMFs – You’ll Rest Easier

Sleep promotes health, right? Here is a personal testimony: due to my new habit of regularly exposing myself to PEMF, I sleep better. If you took the bold step to become a PEMF owner, you too would be able to sleep all night on this WONDERFUL device. If you are impressed or at least intrigued by the PEMF discussion that I have laid out for you in this blog, please come by the Natural Medicine Center for a free session. I realize that the Lays Potato Chip Company already “coined” this marketing slogan….but several of the patients that I’ve introduced our PEMF device to…well, they say it’s pretty hard to stop with just ONE (session). –Dr Catherine Onuoha, RPh, PhD, BCPP



___________________Work Cited_____________________________________

1. Indian J Exp Biology (2009);47(12):939-948

2. Biology of Sport (2008);25(2):p.147

3. Journal of Complementary & Integrative Medicine (2013);10(Suppl): pS39

4. Acta Neuropsychiatry (2014);26(3):155-160

5. Opthamalogica (2003);217: 143- 147

6. Bull Exp Biol Medicin (2014);157: 440 -442

7. Life Sciences (2007); 80:2403 -2410

Recovery and Mental Health

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement is a natural form of therapy, using hormones that are identical to hormones produced by the human body. One may argue that by using plant-derived hormones instead of synthetic hormones, the body will be more receptive. By using natural hormones such as estradiol, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroidal hormones for those who are deficient, one can regain their normal hormonal levels. Combining hormone balancing with healthy lifestyle changes may be our best hope for preventative health against breast cancer, heart attacks, and menopause issues.

Psychological Assessment

Anxiety and Depression are the two leading disorders in the U.S. affecting as much 40 millions adults. Due to the one sided view of psychological disorders; many people are running towards medication without understanding the root cause of their suffering. Through professional psychological assessment as well as practices of hypnosis, meditation, and counseling that our institution offers, one may understand the root cause of their suffering and become liberated of their pain. Dr. Catherine can also prescribe medication in a furthering manner if they see necessary.

Dr. Catherine Onuoha received her PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology from the Medical College of Virginia and practiced in Academic Medical Settings for nearly 2 decades. Dr. Catherine purchased the Natural Medicine Center in South Lakeland in 2015. Although she sees patients with an array of disorders, her specialties can roughly divide into 2 focus areas: hormonal health and psychiatric pharmaceutical counseling. Dr Onuoha is a Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist (BCPP) – and she aims to skillfully assist  patients in pulling them OFF of prescribed medication(s) that are causing severe side-effects.
ADHD is a focus area and Psychometric testing is performed on site.
Dr. Catherine Onuoha has written 26 articles/books on neural function and psychiatric dysfunction. Psychiatric medications are distributed freely in our society and are inadequately explained to drug recipients. Dr Catherine combines dietary initiatives and cognitive treatment modalities (truly holistic treatments!). When downsizing Prescription loads, Dr. Catherine seeks a medically safe discontinuation strategy.
Hormones are neural mediators! Hence, we balance hormones (Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol, Thyroid). Hormonal rebalancing can greatly improve depression & anxiety. Psychiatric Med Regimens are managed with an eye to drug reduction. Serotonin/ Dopamine/ and Norepinephrine mediators are measured. Acupuncture and personalized counseling is embraced and naturopathic/ herbal treatments are given.

Client Testimonials

Noah Christopher
Noah Christopher
Dr. Catherine Onuoha is knowledgeable, compassionate, and professional. She takes the time to listen to all my health concerns and has helped me to understand why certain treatments are beneficial. I know that she is on my side in addressing the cause of my condition in a holistic fashion, not just treating my symptoms. I am very grateful to be her patient – thank you so much!
Tonya Mccard
Tonya Mccard
When I was looking for a more natural clinic and I found Natural medicine Center I had no idea how much it would change our lives. My husband, myself, and children are seen here for various reasons.
My daughter, who has some significant mental health problems, has been treated here and is doing better now than she has in years.
It's nice to have a facility where the practioner is so knowledgeable in the way the human body works and can help you overcome various issues.
When you're in an appointment with Dr. Catherine you don't feel rushed, or like you're just a number. There is real care and concern.
When I say I don't know what my family would do without this clinic would be a huge understatement.
I can't recommend them highly enough!
Peter Bigelow
Peter Bigelow
Catherine Onuoha is NOT a doctor. She is a pharmacist with a PhD. She purports to be an expert in many different fields and treats conditions that are far outside her area of expertise. She has tried to treat me for mental health issues while also treating family members for cancer and epilepsy. Clearly these are different areas of expertise and require experts (I.e. real doctors) in each area. She severely misdiagnosed my problems which led to them worsening. Do not trust this practice with your health.
William Cortes
William Cortes
Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland is a welcoming and caring environment. Dr Catherine Onouha is very kind and knowledgeable. The clinic offers so many natural health and wellness services (too many mention) and the consultation with the Dr is worth every penny. She has personally changed my life and so happy to be a part of the clinic. If you are looking for comprehensive complimentary (not free…look it up) integrative medical care, I highly recommend you visit and make an appointment here.
Roger Robart
Roger Robart
Love the staff and the service we get here.
Joan Heilbron
Joan Heilbron
We're hopeful that the treatment will work.
Doug Settles
Doug Settles
On 9/6/2020 I took my wife to the Natural Medicine Center for an alternative to mammograms. Mammograms are useless for my wife due to breast density. My wife decided on the Thermal imaging. She was very pleased with the results.
After my wife’s consultation was over Dr. Catherine asked me if I had any health concerns. I explained to her that I had pre-Diabetes, High Cholesterol, and extremely low vitamin D levels, 17 to be exact. I had also been lethargic and severe muscle pain. Dr. Catherine told me that she could help that immediately with a shot. I received a shot that day. Within 4 hours I felt way better. I have continued to receive weekly shots of Vitamin D since 9/6/2020.
My health has greatly improved, all the muscle pain is gone. I believe that Dr. Catherine saved my life.
Doug S.
Alexa Matthews
Alexa Matthews
All around great place
Elizabeth Repass Hollida
Elizabeth Repass Hollida
Dr. Onuoha is fantastic.
Danae Hersha
Danae Hersha
Spent many years at the doctors for my various issues and doctor Onouha spent the time to actually seek out the core issue. I am forever thankful for the work she has done for me and my family. She empowers patients to take control of their own health and helps navigate those choppy waters. Now, I feel in control of my health and nothing beats that feeling

Client Testimonials

Take a look at our client testimonials and find our how Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland has helped people with its proven approach.

My appointment at Natural Medicine Center last week was wonderful. Winslow did a great job! My appointment was at the end of the day, so we had time to chat after my appointment. I found her to be very down to earth and very helpful. Mr. Ken was also great, and we had a great time just sharing things from our backgrounds. I would definitely recommend this team. I had not had an appointment since Dr. Onuoha took over and was a little apprehensive but was very satisfied with my appointment.

Nancy W. – Lakeland, Florida

Why am I opting out of mammograms and doing this [Thermography] breast cancer screening instead?

Breast cancer is over diagnosed and over treated.  And yet paradoxically mammograms too often fail to detect cancers that kill. It's time for a radical shift

PLEASE, ladies, consider adding Breast Thermography to your screening.

It has changed my life.

Laura G. – Lakeland, Florida

I was grateful to finally have a thermography session. It was simple and easy. I was happy to learn about my breast health without having to radiate to determine. It was also useful to learn other things about my health that I now have the opportunity to address before they become more serious. I could learn about this worthwhile and safe diagnostic opportunity in Lakeland, Florida, which I would highly recommend to everyone.

"My imaging experience was simple, non-invasive and painless! I was back to my regular routine in less than an hour!"
Elisa S., Lakeland, Florida
"I was impressed with how ON TIME my appointment was. I'm used to waiting over an hour for medical tests. MyLife Preventive Imaging is different. The atmosphere is lovely, the people are great to work with and I had my results in about a week!"
Yvonne M., Winter Haven FL

Doug S,. Lakeland, FL

On 9/6/2020 I took my wife to the Natural Medicine Center for an alternative to mammograms. Mammograms are useless for my wife due to breast density. My wife decided on the Thermal imaging. She was very pleased with the results.
After my wife’s consultation was over Dr. Catherine asked me if I had any health concerns. I explained to her that I had pre-Diabetes, High Cholesterol, and extremely low vitamin D levels, 17 to be exact. I had also been lethargic and severe muscle pain. Dr. Catherine told me that she could help that immediately with a shot. I received a shot that day. Within 4 hours I felt way better. I have continued to receive weekly shots of Vitamin D since 9/6/2020.
My health has greatly improved, all the muscle pain is gone. I believe that Dr. Catherine saved my life.

My appointment at Natural Medicine Center last week was wonderful. Winslow did a great job! My appointment was at the end of the day, so we had time to chat after my appointment. I found her to be very down to earth and very helpful. Mr. Ken was also great, and we had a great time just sharing things from our backgrounds. I would definitely recommend this team. I had not had an appointment since Dr. Onuoha took over and was a little apprehensive but was very satisfied with my appointment.

Nancy W. – Lakeland, Florida

Why am I opting out of mammograms and doing this [Thermography] breast cancer screening instead?

Breast cancer is over diagnosed and over treated.  And yet paradoxically mammograms too often fail to detect cancers that kill. It's time for a radical shift

PLEASE, ladies, consider adding Breast Thermography to your screening.

It has changed my life.

Laura G. – Lakeland, Florida

I was grateful to finally have a thermography session. It was simple and easy. I was happy to learn about my breast health without having to radiate to determine. It was also useful to learn other things about my health that I now have the opportunity to address before they become more serious. I could learn about this worthwhile and safe diagnostic opportunity in Lakeland, Florida, which I would highly recommend to everyone.

Prescription Drug Counseling

Would You Like to Reduce the Amount of Pharmaceutical Prescription Drugs You Are Taking?

                          WE CAN HELP.

The United States is only one of two countries in the WORLD that allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise directly to consumers.

USA is 5% of the World Population

USA Consumes 75% of the World's Prescription Drugs

Adage: an expression or phrase conveying wisdom, although the expression should not be interpreted literally.

Big Pharma Run Amok

Consider the adage, “He who pays the piper calls the tune”… this proverb resonates HOW western medicine is “broken”.

Prescription Drug Counseling Reduce Get Off Pills Holistic Approach Addiction Side Effects Symptoms Holistic Recovery Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central FloridaDid you know that only two of the world’s 195 nations (US and New Zealand) allow direct to consumer [DTC] marketing for prescription drugs? DTC advertising was first enacted under President George W. Bush’s term. Sadly, after DTC permissions were in place, and ads became commonplace, further deregulation subverted the US FDA agency’s authority for halting misinformation in DTC ads. Big Pharma Conglomerates have proceeded to air inaccurate and highly biased messages in their radio and TV advertising.  Truth in advertising is dead.

Citizens of the US are drowned by misrepresented strategic prescription drug messages numerous times a day! TV commercials portray happy, good-looking actors who pledge loyalty to certain branded drugs.  Some actors share their gratitude for the ‘healing’ they’ve experienced. Subtly, popular media has chiseled messages into the grey matter of American viewers / listeners. Wise consumers pause to recall that an advertising agency has paid these actors and radio spokespersons. Most other people, though, will accept media messages at face value. Alas, since the governmental regulations have swung toward leniency, Americans seem to believe what the Big Pharma shareholders would like them to believe. “He who pays the piper calls the tune”.

Here’s a second important downside to the fact that mass media is ‘without’ conscience –medical prescribers have been yielding when their patients’ request specific drugs (e.g., research review by Frosch et.al.1). Hence, the Big Pharma conglomerates fix consumer notions that their branded drug will “heal” (invoked via subliminal messaging rather than through explicit persuasion). This unfortunately activates patients to request specific drug products during an office visits. Sometimes the brand drug that a patient has requested is less effective and has a larger side effect liability than older and less expensive prescription drugs. The most important point, however, is that… when a charade like this unfolds… Big Pharma sales TRUMP prescriber training and patient well-being. Further research is needed on the clinical and economic impacts of DTC advertising, but it remains banned in 193 out of 195 nations.

We strive to give only accurate and genuine information to our patients. A coercively sterilized consideration is promised to all patients, which sets-aside the promotions of drug companies, to focus only on patient care.

We will provide:

  1. Disease assessment and management
  2. Drug regimen review
  3. Patient counselling
  4. Medication delivery systems
  5. Drug information
  6. Medication therapy management services
  7. Patient-focused activities
  8. Facility focused activities such as establishing policies and procedure for medication use
  9. Out-patient compliance packaging

Prescription Drug Counseling with Dr. Catherine

Herbal Suppliments Holistic Approach Prescription Drug Counseling Reduction Reduce Get Off Pills Back to Nature Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

Nature provides many remedies to work with or replace prescription drugs typically without side effects.

Dr. Catherine Onuoha attended the Medical College of Virginia for her PhD in both Pharmacology and Toxicology and later recieved her certification as a BCPP (Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist).  While Dr. Catherine has not had training as an MD, her strong background in medical academia and pharmacology make her an expert at managing medications as she aims to bring patient’s toward lower prescription drug dependence.  Although she sees patients with a variety of issues, her specialties can roughly divide into 2 focus areas:

  1. Hormonal health
  2. Psychiatric pharmaceutical counseling

Dr. Catherine is a Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist (BCPP) and she embraces medication adjustment (Onuoha skillfully assists her patients to get OFF of troubling and side-effect laden medications). ADHD is a focus area and Psychometric testing is performed on site.

Dr. Catherine Onuoha has written 26 articles/books on neural function and psychiatric dysfunction. Psychiatric medications are distributed freely in our society and are inadequately explained to drug recipients. Dr Onuoha combines dietary initiatives and cognitive treatment modalities (truly holistic treatments!). When downsizing Prescription loads, Onuoha seeks a medically safe discontinuation strategy.

Hormones are neural mediators! Hence, we balance hormones (Estrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone, Cortisol, Thyroid). Hormonal rebalancing can greatly improve depression & anxiety. Through advocacy psychiatric medication regimens are managed with an eye to drug reduction. Serotonin/ Dopamine/ and Norepinephrine mediators are measured. Acupuncture and personalized counseling is embraced and naturopathic/ herbal treatments are given.


Work Sited:

1. Frosch D, et.al.(2010) American Journal of Public Health, Vol 100; Issue 1

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