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Thermography for Breast Health


Breast Health Awareness Month


      Every year October is a month that we dedicate to ‘Breast Health Awareness’. We invite you to celebrate this with us at The Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland. Thermography is a great place to start with any holistic healthcare agenda because thermography is a discovery tool. It is a radiation free/ noninvasive way to look inside your body. Through this infrared medical technology we can detect unusual heat patterns that suggest healing problems, inflammation or nerve issues.

      Thermography is more popular and researched with breast imaging than any other region of the body. During your 30 minute imaging appointment, thermographic images will detect breast abnormalities, general inflammation, and hormonal imbalances. Because thermography can detect these challenges up to 7 years before symptoms occur, you are serving yourself by using thermography as a risk indicator (before symptoms occur).
      With this annual *risk indicator* visit, you are allowing yourself the time you need to heal and eliminate toxins that may be present before they manifest into a serious healing crisis. If you have symptoms, we urge you to get started with your breast health plan today.
      Younger women will benefit from *risk indicator* visits as well. Fibroglandular and dense breast tissue is unique to each women and can be observed thermally in women from at least 20 years of age. This annual thermography appointment will serve women as young as 20 years old, by informing them of their individual risk, hormonal issues, and toxic load. From there, the Natural Medicine Center will provide expert advice and guidance in creating an effective and supportive care plan.

      In honor of breast health awareness month, we would like to offer you $20 off breast scans through November 30. This visit still ncludes your imaging, your official report and a follow up visit with our Doctor. At the follow up visit we will review your MD interpreted imaging report and create a wellness plan. The Natural Medicine Center has so much more to offer you after your thermography appointment. We provide an herbal pharmacy, infrared sauna, PEMF therapy, IV therapy, hormone testing, and prescriptive authority to support your breast health.


 Natural Treatment Modalities for Cancer Patients

Fact: Natural and Allopathic Cancer treatment approaches can complement one another—which serves patients better as they strive to restore and regain their vitality. Our offerings include Supplements and Energy Treatments to hasten cellular / tissue repair. Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, and Energy Treatments are also reputed to reinforce a patient’s immune system [1], which provides advantages for cancer recovery. 

Cancer is one of the most feared diseases in society today.  New statistics show that the top killer of American citizens is Heart Disease, and this implicates conditions such as stroke and congestive heart failure. The same statistical workup shows cancer as the second most common cause of deaths in the United States.  Cancer is a condition that pulls at the average American’s heart-strings; cancer troubles us because this disease state is debilitating, and treatments are usually extended across many years.  For many cancer survivors, this statement is submitted as truth:

“The cancer itself would be enough to drain me, but when chemo and other immunological treatments are added in….it really takes a toll, and is exhausting”.

Doctors and patients are aware, in advance of chemotherapy treatments, that such medical treatment may render a depleted feeling in the patient. The over-arching rationale is to stop the cancer from growing. More specifically chemotherapy damages genes on the chromosomes inside cancer cells. The central goal, when administering chemotherapy, is to impact cancer cells *selectively*, and to spare most normal cells. However because chemotherapeutic drugs travel throughout the body, they can affect normal somatic cells, albeit unintentionally.

Loss or damage to normal somatic cells provokes a number of deleterious effects such as fatigue, malnutrition, hair loss, weight loss, etc.  To offset some of these unwanted effects, the Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland offers supportive treatments. Doctors at the Natural Medicine Center can work adjunctively with Oncologists and Cancer-Center Specialists. Fact: Natural and Allopathic treatment approaches can complement one another—which serves patients better as they strive to restore and regain their vitality. Our offerings include Supplements and Energy Treatments to hasten cellular / tissue repair. Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, and Energy Treatments are also reputed to reinforce a patient’s immune system [1], which provides advantages for cancer recovery.

While living with cancer will always be a struggle, we believe it shouldn’t end a person’s ability enjoy life.  All of our recommended treatments and lifestyle changes for cancer patients aim to bring them back some of the energy and positive well-being that their illness may have taken away. Although there is no definitive cure for cancer, recovery is more possible than many people are led to believe.

Anti-Cancer Services at The Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland

  • Nutritional Counseling – Hallelujah and Living Foods Diet Programs
    • Our diet programs emphasize a high amount of vegetables and fruit and a conservative intake of meat. We also host a small farmers market at our clinic every Friday to encourage our patients to eat fresh and healthy.

  • IV Therapy – High Dose Vitamin C
    • Once a week we administer IV infusions of natural supplements at our clinic. In particular, studies have found that high doses of Vitamin C which can only be achieved through IV infusion can have a significant oxidant (and tumor cell eradicating) impact [2].
  • Natural Supplements such as Vitamin B17
    • We carry a wide range of natural supplements to meet any person’s dietary or nutritional needs. Catherine Onuoha can also guide patients to which supplements are best for their specific needs.
  • Low Dose Naltrexone
    • The drug Naltrexone is best known for actions at Opioid Receptors (implying significant brain effects). However, research has shown a unique action for low dosages of Naltrexone (abbreviated LDN). LDN pharmacologic effects seem to be entirely independent of Opioid receptor effects. Many scientists have shown LDN can improve the immune function(s) [3].
  • UV Blood Irradiation
    • Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation is a process in which a small optic tube exposes your blood to ultraviolet light. Just as ultraviolet light has been found to purify water, the same safe and natural energy can be used to cleanse the blood of impurities [4].
  • Energetic Correction via Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapies
    • Our PEMF machine improves oxygenation of body tissues and supports the natural healing systems [5].

  • Detoxification through our Infrared Sauna
    • Detoxification is an important part of recovering from a major illness such as cancer. In addition to detox guidance from Dr. Catherine, our clinic also has an Infrared Sauna which uses gentle infrared heat to penetrate and detoxify the body.
Nutrition and Cancer

One of the most vital steps to improving your health and fighting off any illness is to have a proper diet and nutritional plan.  Especially with the malnourishment which cancer brings on, it’s important for patients to make sure they are getting the proper nutrients either from their diet or from natural supplements.  Our Doctors at the Natural Medicine Center can advise patients on what foods and diet plans are best for building the immune system and fighting cancer.

Cancer and Detoxification

The Natural Medicine Centers’ advice and emphasis on ingesting adequate nutrients, to empower healing processes, is balanced by secondary advice to DETOX!  We ask you to understand ‘toxins’ as harm-provoking, miniscule substances—and toxins are everywhere in modern living environments.  Toxins abound in car exhaust, processed foods, chemical additives, cosmetics, plastics…etc.  The Doctors at NMC contend   “It is nearly impossible for citizens to avoid absorbing toxins”.  This is why our Doctors stress the importance of frequent DETOX treatments. Detoxification regimens are especially beneficial for those facing a major health issue such as cancer.  Detoxification is assisted by:  regular exercise, a vegetable / fruit loaded diets, IV infusion or oral ingestion of glutathione, and regular use of PEMF therapy devices plus Infrared sauna machines.

Cancer Monitoring Through Thermography

Digital Medical Thermography utilizes an Infrared technology to thermally image body tissues.  Any excesses in a patient’s hot or cold body impressions are interpretable. Said differently, a patient’s hot and cold patterns can be discerned by specialists who will correlate temperature to tissue health—n.b., cytokine pathway activation events read as warmth and poor circulation reads cold. Therefore, areas of inflammation will emerge as HOT.  Thermography is described within the “Truth about Cancer” video-series as a preventative imaging strategy [6]. Thermography can also be used to actively monitor the progression of a known carcinogenic tumor—hence monitoring metastatic progression and/or tumor growth.

Medical Thermography can spot abnormalities up to 8 years before a mammogram.

Check out this video about Thermography for Breast Health:

Works Cited:

  1. Multanen, J. Hakkinen, A., Heikkinen, P., Kautiainen, H., Mustalampi, S., Yinen, J. (2018). Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the treatment of pain and other symptoms in fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled study.  Bioelectromagnetics, 39(5), 405-413.
  2. Ewer, T. (2016). The use of high-dose intravenous vitamin C in the management of cancer: a case for vitamin C in the management of cancer. Focus on Alternative & Complementary Therapies, 21(3/4), 137–142.
  3. Liu, W. M., Scott, K. A., Dennis, J. L., Kaminska, E., Levett, A. J., & Dalgleish, A. G. (2016). Naltrexone at low doses upregulates a unique gene expression not seen with normal doses: Implications for its use in cancer therapy. International Journal Of Oncology, 49(2), 793–802.
  4. Jones, K. & McBain, A. (2018). Study on The UVLrx System.  Society for Applied Microbiology.
  5. Storch K, Dickreuter E, Artati A, Adamski J, Cordes N (2016) BEMER Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Cancer Cell Radioresistance by Enhanced ROS Formation and Induced DNA Damage. PLoS ONE 11(12).
  6. Ty Bollinger, Truth about Cancer Global Quest. – Video reference can be found here:
Thermal Imaging Camera

Thermography As A Risk Indicator

Thermography Breast Cancer Risk Indicator Holistic Healthcare Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

Red and White indicating significant abnormal blood flow and risk



As with any technology, as time progresses better thermography cameras and software is developed increasing the detection ability and resolution thus making evaluating the images more precise.  As early as 1976, at the Third International Symposium on Detection and Prevention of Cancer in New York, thermography was established by consensus as the highest risk indicator for the possibility of the presence of an undetected breast cancer.  It also has been shown to predict subsequent occurrences [1-3]. The Wisconsin Breast Cancer Detection Foundation presented a summary of its findings in this area, which has remained undisputed [4]. This, combined with other reports, has undeniably vouched that thermography is the highest risk indicator for the future development of breast cancer and is 10 times effective where there is a family history of the disease [5].  This additional effectiveness is in great part due to patients being aware of their predisposition and proactively obtaining screening.  Thermography is an ideal choice with no pain and no radiation in where frequent screening by other methods could result in radiation overexposure.

A 10,000 women study by Gautherie found that, when applied to asymptomatic women, thermography was very useful in assessing the risk of cancer by dividing patients into low- and high-risk categories. This was based on an objective evaluation of each patient’s thermograms using an improved reading protocol that incorporated 20 thermopathological factors [6].

Fibrocystic Breasts Thermograph Screening Tool Prevention Awareness Holistic Healthcare Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

Thermography Screening indicating the possibility of Fibrocystic Breast

Therograph Screening indicating the possibility of Fibrocystic BreastFrom a patient base of 58,000 women screened with thermography, Gros and associates followed 1,527 patients with initially healthy breasts and abnormal thermograms for 12 years. Of this group, 40% developed malignancies within 5 years. The study concluded that “an abnormal thermogram is the single most important marker of high risk for the future development of breast cancer” [7].

Spitalier and associates followed 1,416 patients with isolated abnormal breast thermograms. It was found that a persistently abnormal thermogram, as an isolated phenomenon, is associated with an actuarial breast cancer risk of 26% at 5 years. Within this study, 165 patients with non-palpable cancers were observed. In 53% of these patients, thermography was the only test which was positive at the time of initial evaluation. It was concluded that: (1) A persistently abnormal thermogram, even in the absence of any other sign of malignancy, is associated with a high risk of developing cancer, (2) This isolated abnormal also carries with it a high risk of developing interval cancer, and as such the patient should be examined more frequently than the customary 12 months, (3) Most patients diagnosed as having minimal breast cancer have abnormal thermograms as the first warning sign [8-9].



[1] Amalric, R., Gautherie, M., Hobbins, W., Stark, A.: The Future of Women with an Isolated Abnormal Infrared Thermogram. La Nouvelle Presse Med 10(38):3153-3159, 1981

[2] Gautherie, M., Gros, C.: Contribution of Infrared Thermography to Early Diagnosis, Pretherapeutic Prognosis, and Post-irradiation Follow-up of Breast Carcinomas. Laboratory of Electroradiology, Faculty of Medicine, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France, 1976

[3] Hobbins, W.: Significance of an “Isolated” Abnormal Thermogram. La Nouvelle Presse Medicale 10(38):3153-3155, 1981

[4] Hobbins, W.: Thermography, Highest Risk Marker in Breast Cancer. Proceedings of the Gynecological Society for the Study of Breast Disease. pp. 267-282, 1977.

[5] Louis, K., Walter, J., Gautherie, M.: Long-Term Assessment of Breast Cancer Risk by Thermal Imaging. Biomedical Thermology. Alan R. Liss Inc. pp.279-301, 1982.

[6] Gauthrie, M.: Improved System for the Objective Evaluation of Breast Thermograms. Biomedical Thermology; Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, NY; pp.897-905, 1982

[7] Gros, C., Gautherie, M.: Breast Thermography and Cancer Risk Prediction. Cancer 45:51-56, 1980

[8] Amalric, R., Giraud, D., et al: Combined Diagnosis of Small Breast Cancer. Acta Thermographica, 1984.

[9] Spitalier, J., Amalric, D., et al: The Importance of Infrared Thermography in the Early Suspicion and Detection of Minimal Breast Cancer. Thermal Assessment of Breast Health (Proceedings of an International Conference), MTP Press Ltd., pp.173-179, 1983

Cancer Cell Closeups


Natural Treatment Modalities for Cancer Patients

Cancer is one of the most feared diseases in society today. New statistics show that the top killer of American citizens is Heart Disease, and this implicates conditions such as stroke and congestive heart failure. The same statistical workup shows cancer as the second most common cause of deaths in the United States. Cancer is a condition that pulls at the average American’s heart-strings; cancer troubles us because this disease state is debilitating, and treatments are usually extended across many years. For many cancer survivors, this statement is submitted as truth:

“The cancer itself would be enough to drain me, but when chemo and other immunological treatments are added in….it really takes a toll, and is exhausting”.

Doctors and patients are aware, in advance of chemotherapy treatments, that such medical treatment may render a depleted feeling in the patient. The over-arching rationale is to stop the cancer from growing. More specifically chemotherapy damages genes on the chromosomes inside cancer cells. The central goal, when administering chemotherapy, is to impact cancer cells *selectively*, and to spare most normal cells. However because chemotherapeutic drugs travel throughout the body, they can affect normal somatic cells, albeit unintentionally.

Loss or damage to normal somatic cells provokes a number of deleterious effects such as fatigue, malnutrition, hair loss, weight loss, etc. To offset some of these unwanted effects, the Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland offers supportive treatments. Our staff at the Natural Medicine Center can work adjunctively with Oncologists and Cancer-Center Specialists. Fact: Natural and Allopathic treatment approaches can complement one another—which serves patients better as they strive to restore and regain their vitality. Our offerings include Supplements and Energy Treatments to hasten cellular / tissue repair. Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, and Energy Treatments are also reputed to reinforce a patient’s immune system [1], which provides advantages for cancer recovery.

While living with cancer will always be a struggle, we believe it shouldn’t end a person’s ability enjoy life. All of our recommended treatments and lifestyle changes for cancer patients aim to bring them back some of the energy and positive well-being that their illness may have taken away. Although there is no definitive cure for cancer, recovery is more possible than many people are led to believe.

Cancer Patient Services at The Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland

  • Nutritional Counseling – Hallelujah and Living Foods Diet Programs
    • Our diet programs emphasize a high amount of vegetables and fruit and a conservative intake of meat. We also host a small farmers market at our clinic every Friday to encourage our patients to eat fresh and healthy.
  • IV Therapy – High Dose Vitamin C
    • Once a week we administer IV infusions of natural supplements at our clinic.   In particular, studies have found that high doses of Vitamin C which can only be achieved through IV infusion can have a significant oxidant (and tumor cell eradicating) impact [2].
  • Natural Supplements such as Vitamin B17
    • We carry a wide range of natural supplements to meet any person’s dietary or nutritional needs. Dr. Catherine Onuoha, PhD can also guide patients to which supplements are best for their specific needs.
  • Low Dose Naltrexone
    • The drug Naltrexone is best known for actions at Opioid Receptors (implying significant brain effects). However, research has shown a unique action for low dosages of Naltrexone (abbreviated LDN). LDN pharmacologic effects seen to be entirely independent of Opioid receptor effects. Many scientists have shown LDN can improve the immune function(s) [3].
  • Energetic Correction via Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapies
    • Our PEMF machine improves oxygenation of body tissues and supports the natural healing systems of the body[5].
  • Detoxification through our Infrared Sauna
    • Detoxification is an important part of recovering from a major illness such as cancer. In addition to detox guidance from Dr. Catherine, our clinic also has an Infrared Sauna which uses gentle infrared heat to penetrate and detoxify the body.

cancer integrative and functional medicine thermography natural lakeland fl florida

Nutrition and Cancer

One of the most vital steps to improving your health and fighting off any illness is to have a proper diet and nutritional plan. Especially with the malnourishment which cancer brings on, it’s important for patients to make sure they are getting the proper nutrients either from their diet or from natural supplements[6]. Our staff at the Natural Medicine Center can advise patients on what foods and diet plans are best for building the immune system and fighting cancer.

For more on nutrition and cancer, watch the video we have below with Dr. Quilin from The Truth About Cancer:

Cancer and Detoxification

The Natural Medicine Centers’ advice and emphasis on ingesting adequate nutrients, to empower healing processes, is balanced by secondary advice to DETOX! We ask you to understand ‘toxins’ as harm-provoking, miniscule substances—and toxins are everywhere in modern living environments. Toxins abound in car exhaust, processed foods, chemical additives, cosmetics, plastics…etc. We at the Natural Medicine Center contend, “It is nearly impossible for citizens to avoid absorbing toxins”. This is why our staff stress the importance of frequent DETOX treatments. Detoxification regimens are especially beneficial for those facing a major health issue such as cancer. Detoxification is assisted by: regular exercise, a vegetable / fruit loaded diets, IV infusion or oral ingestion of glutathione, and regular use of PEMF therapy devices plus Infrared sauna machines.

For more on a specific detox regimen, please watch the video below from The Truth About Cancer:

Cancer Monitoring Through Thermography

Digital Medical Thermography utilizes an Infrared technology to thermally image body tissues. Any excesses in a patient’s hot or cold body impressions are interpretable. Said differently, a patient’s hot and cold patterns can be discerned by specialists who correlate health or disruptions in tissue based upon thermal scans. For instance, areas of inflammation will emerge as *HOT*. Thermography is described within the “Truth about Cancer” video-series as a preventative imaging strategy [7]. Thermography can also be used to actively monitor the progression of a known carcinogenic tumor—hence monitoring metastatic progression and/or tumor growth.

For more on how thermography can be used to monitor body and breast health, please watch the video below:

Works Cited:
  1. Multanen, J. Hakkinen, A., Heikkinen, P., Kautiainen, H., Mustalampi, S., Yinen, J. (2018). Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in the reatment of pain and other symptoms in fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled study. Bioelectromagnetics, 39(5), 405-413.
  2. Ewer, T. (2016). The use of high-dose intravenous vitamin C in the management of cancer: a case for vitamin C in the management of cancer. Focus on Alternative & Complementary Therapies, 21(3/4), 137–142.
  3. Liu, W. M., Scott, K. A., Dennis, J. L., Kaminska, E., Levett, A. J., & Dalgleish, A. G. (2016). Naltrexone at low doses upregulates a unique gene expression not seen with normal doses: Implications for its use in cancer therapy. International Journal Of Oncology, 49(2), 793–802.
  4. Jones, K. & McBain, A. (2018). Study on The UVLrx System. Society for Applied Microbiology.
  5. Storch K, Dickreuter E, Artati A, Adamski J, Cordes N (2016) BEMER Electromagnetic Field Therapy Reduces Cancer Cell Radioresistance by Enhanced ROS Formation and Induced DNA Damage. PLoS ONE 11(12).
  6. (2004). Nutrition and cancer: a review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet. Nutrition journal3, 19. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-3-19
  7. Ty Bollinger, Truth about Cancer Global Quest. – Video reference can be found here:

7 Reasons Why Functional Medicine is FOR YOU

Why Functional Medicine?  Well, if you’re not sleeping well, seem cranky all day and your stomach seem always upset.  In addition you’re feeling a bit down and just can’t figure out why.  You head to your primary physician for—if you’re lucky—a 10-minute talk about what’s going on with you. The physician listens, nods his/her head a few times and then hands you a prescription or two, shakes your hand, and says “this should help”.  Case closed unless you call for another appointment.

You get home and Google the prescribed drugs to read all the potential side effects, constipation, dry mouth, dizziness, confusion, thoughts of suicide, lower sex drive and the list goes on.  Does this approach actually make anyone better? In a word, no.  It’s an attempt to mask the actual cause of your symptoms verses address them to heal.

Why Functional Medicine?

It’s the most profound and effective way to treat patients—particularly those with chronic health issues and here’s the 7 reasons why Functional Medicine is FOR YOU:

1. Functional Medicine is all about you

In simplest terms, think of it as the ultimate in personalized, one-on-one, therapeutic relationships. It’s a health-focused, patient-centric partnership, in which doctor and patient work together to dig deep and find out the causes of illness and disease. We examine not only the patient, but also their unique history, environment, lifestyle and underlying factors, and then develop a health-enhancing, usually drug-free plan to help restore the patient to good health and get him or her on a life-long path of wellness. With Functional Medicine, we look beyond the laundry list of symptoms; the whole person is taken into account.

3. Functional Medicine is not assembly-line medicine

Our current healthcare system is, to a large extent, governed by profit-driven conglomerates that essentially force physicians to manage huge caseloads and keep people moving through the system as quickly as possible. It’s mass-produced, assembly line, quick-fix, put-a-band-aid-on-it medicine, with little hope of creating long-term health. To it’s credit however, Conventional Medicine is great at managing medical and surgical emergencies, medical crises, acute infections and trauma, but falls way short when it comes to treating chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal problems, chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, functional disorders, musculoskeletal problems and stress related disorders. This is where Functional Medicine is near perfect with its more comprehensive, thoughtful individual approach.  After all, you are unique and so should your health recovery plan be.

2. Functional Medicine is artisan medicine

With Functional Medicine, the patient experience is anything but conventional. One might even call it ‘artisan medicine’, because it an art of balance, involves time, care and patience, since true healing doesn’t happen overnight. With Functional Medicine, we treat the person who has the disease rather than the disease the person has. It’s not unusual for my colleagues and me to spend an hour or more with patients, listening to their histories, doing the detective work, asking questions, and examining the genetic, environmental, and lifestyle patterns that effect health. By addressing the underlying causes of illness and disease, Functional Medicine practitioners are able to design unique, personalized healing plans that Conventional Medicine literally doesn’t have the tools, training, or the time for.

Why Functional Medicine is For You Holistic homeopathic Herbal Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida Polk County

4. Functional Medicine is the best of both worlds

Functional Medicine is not an either/or system, but rather a true combination of Conventional Medicine and many different alternative and complementary therapies. It acknowledges the strengths of Conventional Medicine for acute and crisis-care, but also realizes that this approach does not have the tools for preventing and treating chronic diseases. Unlike conventional physicians, we are able to tap into all the tools of healing—drawing from Western, Eastern, alternative, preventative and integrative medical practices—to help our patients heal. By pulling from all of these approaches and by paying special attention to diet, exercise, nutrition, supplementation and the workings of the mind, we’re not just giving patients a band-aid, we’re giving them the tools to create sustainable wellness and vitality. To me, is what true healing is all about.

5. Functional Medicine looks for the cause

In Conventional Medicine, doctors try to make a diagnosis and then apply a treatment for that particular diagnosis. In Functional Medicine we are less concerned with making a diagnosis and more concerned with the underlying imbalances or dysfunctions. These are the mechanisms of the disease process. We aim at treating those underlying disease mechanisms and ultimately look for the causes of those imbalances.

6. Functional Medicine is medicine on a mission

I call myself a health evangelist, in part because I am a man on a mission. I aim to show the unwell how they can transform their health. Certainly they will need to do the work as I can’t do it for them, but we will work as partners to restore balance and health to their lives. And participating in the process, that slow transition from illness to wellness, is one of the greatest joys of Functional Medicine—for both patient and practitioner.

7. Functional Medicine is true Health Care

Functional Medicine is true health care, unlike the disease care model of Conventional Medicine. We now have the knowledge to go beyond the current crisis care model and offer patients a much better approach to their health. We can incorporate lifestyle medicine, nutrition, supplements, stress reduction and exercise to improve the functioning of organs as a means of preventing disease and creating vibrant, sustainable health.

Functional Medicine is literally FOR YOU.