10 Signs of Poor Digestive Health – What You Can Do
Digestive Health is very important for general well-being since external substances gain access to the entire body through the intestines. The old saying, “You are what you eat,” is so true. The modern American diet highly processed foods, fast food, high calorie, high amounts of sugars, high
and low nutritional value diets is the direct cause of the majority of poor digestion and many illnesses. See our recent posting on Candida Overgrowth – 25 Signs You May Have It. As a result primarily of poor diet, digestive health problems lead to the development of symptoms in numerous body systems.
According to the US National Institute of Health’s most recent statistics, in 2010 over 48.3 million Americans were diagnosed with some form of Digestive Health Disorder in that year alone.
Primary Care Provider
Emergency Room Diagnosed
Walk-In Clinic Diagnosed
Hospitalizations: 21.7 million (2010)
Mortality: 245,921 deaths (2009)
Diagnostic and therapeutic inpatient procedures: 5.4 million—12 percent of all inpatient procedures (2007)
Ambulatory surgical procedures: 20.4 million—20 percent of all “write-in” surgical procedures (2010)
Watch this 90 minute video for an awesome review of Natural Digestive Health.
Signs of Trouble
So that you can either (1) pull yourself out of being or (2) keep yourself from being one of those statistics, pay attention to the signs your body is trying to tell you. Digestive Health problems can exhibit many symptom. Here are some to watch for:
- Abdominal pain
- Asthma
- Bleeding
- Fatigue
- Food allergies
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn and flatulence or abdominal gas
- Nausea and vomiting
- Skin conditions like eczema
- Swallowing problems
- Weight gain and weight loss
Don’t Guess. Test for Digestive Health Problems
Thermography or thermal imaging can be used to evaluate digestive health since this medical procedure creates images that show areas of inflammation inside the intestines. These thermal scans can help diagnose food allergies and other digestive health problems.
Treatment for Digestive Health Problems
The treatment for digestive health problems usually includes a treatment plan that is personalized according to each patient’s symptoms and co-existing conditions. This treatment plan can include the following:
1. Probiotic and Digestive Enzyme supplements
Probiotic supplements improve gut health by restoring normal levels of the good gut bacteria. We are proud distributors for several highly purified premium Digestive Flora and Digestive Enzyme formulations. Digestive enzymes aid in the chemical breakdown of food into smaller, absorbable components so they can be readily absorbed and put into the bloodstream. In addition to supporting your overall (cellular) health and nutrition, these formulations prevent cramping, flatulence, belching, heartburn, and acid reflux. Digestive enzymes also regulate bowel movements, which helps to avoid both constipation and diarrhea. Beyond all this, Digestive Flora preps will advantage nutrition on a cellular level, plus boost metabolism.
2. Eating fermented foods for better digestion process
Eating traditional fermented foods helps increase levels of good bacteria in the intestines. Sauerkraut, kefir (fermented milk), natto (fermented soy), Kombucha, lassi (traditional Indian yogurt) and kimchi are some good examples. These fermented foods should be consumed on a regular basis since they also act as chelators and can remove toxins from the body.
3. Consuming or Taking Glutamine to Restore Intestine Health
Glutamine is very important for the repair and regeneration of the intestines. This nutrient can be obtained from eating foods like meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Vegans can obtain their glutamine from beans, beetroots and spinach. Glutamine can also be consumed as a supplement after consulting your healthcare provider.
4. Drinking Water
Drinking around 8 glasses of water each day can improve a person’s general health and their digestive health. This water should be pure water which is not highly chlorinated. Without installing a whole house water purification system, you can potentially do what I did and install a 3 phase reverse osmosis filter system that fits under the kitchen sink with a sink top mounted faucet. It has a storage container that supplies on demand and can fill a couple cooking pots easily. Ours was purchased at our local big box home improvement center and installed in an hour or two.
The consumption of water should begin with squeezing a lemon into a glass and drinking it before breakfast to kick start the digestive system.

Cut fresh veggies and have ready to snack on all day while you work. Drink ginger & lemon tea adding turmeric for pain and inflamation reduction.
Peppermint, ginger and fennel herbal teas can also be consumed to heal the digestive system and increase a person’s daily water intake. Ginger tea is especially beneficial since it stimulates the production of digestive enzymes. It also relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestines and reduces cramps and gas.
I enjoy slicing fresh ginger into thin sheets, slicing around 1/4th to 1/2 a fresh lemon also into thin sheets adding them to a tall mug. I pour kettle hot water and dash in some Turmeric powered spice for its many benefits including anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and pain relieving. I typically get a huge amount of fresh ginger for $2 and 4 – 6 fresh lemons also for around $2 weekly on our shopping trips to the Auburndale Flea Market’s fantastic produce section.
5. Eat Raw Vegetables and Fruit
You cannot be your optimal health unless you are eating with your health in mind. Start by adding fresh cut veggies – ANYTHING you like to baggies and take to work to munch on ALL DAY. This will keep you full and satisfied. Try without any dipping sauces since those add sugars that aren’t needed. Vary it up with color, texture and flavors as well. For me carrots, celery and all colors of bell peppers are staples. I then depending on what I buy at the Lakeland Downtown Saturday Curb Market or the Auburndale Flea Market Produce area, I might have, cucumber, radishes, orange (many types), grapefruit, kiwi, broccoli, cauliflower, fresh berries, pear and more. Your body needs the whole real food nutrients, fiber and alkalizing benefits of raw fresh veggies and fruits.
5. Eating “liver foods”
Eating foods which enhance the health of the liver also improves the function of the entire digestive system. These foods include dandelion, milk thistle, beet roots and carrots. Did you know that the entire dandelion plant is edible and good for you? Organic is best but so long as it’s not treated with any pesticides you could have a salad waiting for you in your own yard. Dandelion is available as some local grocers and occasionally at the Lakeland Downtown Saturday Curb Market. Often people will turn to supplements for dandelion and milk thistle consumption.
6. Stress management
Stress can wreak havoc in the digestive system and aggravate many of the symptoms associated with poor digestive health. As a result, it should be managed effectively by practicing relaxation techniques like meditation and abdominal breathing regularly.
What you consume is all the raw materials your complex body has to function with. It’s predominantly
water, so ensuring it gets the cleanest and most water it can is vital to whole body function. Further the food you consume DEFINES YOUR HEALTH. Make choices to incorporate good foods and over time see the desire for bad food disappear or are those special occasion side tracks.
You CAN BE Healthy. You Deserve It.