Bioptron is a medical-grade light therapy device that produces light that is nearly identical to the sun but without harmful UV radiation. Bioptron not only provides a boost in energy and mood, but it can be used to help alleviate a number of issues such as:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Wounds & Scars
  • Aging / Wrinkles
  • Arthritis
  • Seasonal Affective Depression
  • Sports Injuries
  • Hair Regrowth
  • And more!

How Does Light Therapy Work?

Bioptron Light Therapy works on such a vast array of conditions by supplying the body with the energy it needs to enhance its own recovery process – both on the localized area of treatment as well as throughout the body.  In the same way that plants use the sun for photosynthesis and energy production, our bodies also absorb light and harness its energy for our own well-being.  While the health and wellness benefits of sunlight have been recognized since the times of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, it wasn’t until the early 1900s That light therapy was medically recognized for the treatment of conditions such as Lupus thanks to Niels Ryberg Finsen who received a Nobel prize for his work.

Shining a light to alleviate pain and supply the body with energy may sound too simple to be true, but we often forget the immense power that resides in light.  Visible light is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that contains X-Rays, microwaves, radio waves, and more which are a vital part of many pieces of sophisticated technology and allow us to use our cell-phones and other modern devices.  If we can use electromagnetic radiation to power our cell-phones and microwaves, why shouldn’t we use it to power ourselves?

Light Therapy Research

In the past couple of decades research surrounding light therapy has been rapidly expanding and the practice is being integrated into more and more medical practices across the world.  One of the most widely used medical applications of light which emphasize the safety of light therapy is blue light being used to treat jaundice in newborn infants.  Because blue light is known to have oxidative properties that increase the oxygen in the blood, new-borns with jaundice are exposed to gentle blue lights on their skin which helps their blood to breakdown excess bilirubin.

Arguably the most common use of light therapy other than skin conditions is for the treatment of Seasonal Affective Depression (SAD).  SAD develops when a person is chronically deprived of natural light either due to their location somewhere with little sunlight or a sedentary indoor lifestyle.  Exposure to a bright lightbox that mimics the sun rays has been found to provide tremendous relief for those suffering from this condition (8).  While it was assumed that SAD was the only type of depression light therapy could benefit, new research is showing that light therapy can benefit other forms of depression as well providing as much relief as anti-depressants (but without the side-effects!)

Although not yet popular in America, our light therapy system, Bioptron, is currently in use at a wide number of universities and hospitals throughout Europe.  Light is one of the most basic and essential forces here on earth and it should come as no surprise that something we take for granted every day is still full of mysteries and incredible healing potential. 

Below are some of the conditions light therapy has been proven to help treat – references to the related studies can be found at the bottom of the page:

  • Adolescent Depression – (9)
  • Stroke Recovery – (3)
  • Wound Healing – (1)
  • Cancer Related Fatigue – (2)
  • Erythema – (7)

Why is Light Therapy Important?

In today’s modern world we have to be more conscious than ever about the light that we are exposing ourselves to.  Many of us see very little sunlight in or day to day lives thanks to artificial lighting in our homes and workplaces as well as computers and cell-phones that many of us use for hours at a time.  In addition to Seasonal Affective Depression (SAD) which was mentioned earlier, another growing concern from the increase in artificial light is called Blue Light Hazard.

Blue Light Hazard or BLH describes the danger that artificial lighting (especially computers and cell-phones) have on our physical and mental health.  While the sun has a perfect balance of the various wavelengths of light, many computer screens are over-abundant in blue light which can cause issues such as sleep disturbances and retinal damage.  The bottom line is that light is important and in for most of us we aren’t getting the right kind of light near enough.  With Bioptron you can give yourself the best kind of rejuvenating light to help heal a variety of issues and bring your body back into balance.

One of the best things about Bioptron is that it is completely safe with no known side effects and is exceptionally relaxing and pleasant.  If you are interested in booking a session of light therapy at our clinic please call or email us today!


  1. Begic-Rahic, J., & Vranic, S. (2010). The Application of Bioptron Light Therapy in Dermatology and Wound Healing. European Dermatology, 5, 57–60.
  2. Johnson JA, Garland SN, Carlson LE, et al. Bright light therapy improves cancer-related fatigue in cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Cancer Survivorship. 2018;12(2):206-215.
  3. Lee, H. I., Lee, S.-W., Kim, N. G., Park, K.-J., Choi, B. T., Shin, Y.-I., & Shin, H. K. (2017). Low-level light emitting diode therapy promotes long-term functional recovery after experimental stroke in mice. Journal Of Biophotonics, 10(12), 1761–1771.
  4. Li X, Li X. The Antidepressant Effect of Light Therapy from Retinal Projections. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2018;34(2):359-368. doi:10.1007/s12264-018-0210-1.
  5. Marshall, Lisa. Testing the Healing Potential of Light.    2017
  6. Martel, Anadi. (2018) Light Therapies: A Complete Guide to the Healing Powers of Light.  Healing Arts Press.  Rochester VT.
  7. Mathew, M. L., Karthik, R., Mallikarjun, M., Bhute, S., & Varghese, A. (2018). Intense Pulsed Light Therapy for Acne-induced Post-inflammatory Erythema. Indian Dermatology Online Journal, 9(3), 159–164.
  8. Miller, Michael, MD. Seasonal affective disorder: bring on the light.  Harvard Health Publishing. 2015.
  9. Kirschbaum-Lesch I, Gest S, Legenbauer T, Holtmann M. Feasibility and Efficacy of Bright Light Therapy in Depressed Adolescent Inpatients. Zeitschrift Fur Kinder- Und Jugendpsychiatrie Und Psychotherapie. 2018;46(5):423-429.