
Neurofeedback therapy is a relaxing and universally beneficial type of brain training that can both improve overall mental functioning and peak performance as well as be used to help with a number of different psychological disorders such as Depression, ADHD/ADD, Insomnia, Anxiety, Chronic Stress, and others.  Neurofeedback is effective on such a wide range of issues because it addresses the underlying brain wave imbalance that all these disorders share.  While Neurofeedback  is still not a common or very well known practice, it has been in use since the 1960’s when it was discovered as a way of drastically reducing seizure frequency; since this discovery, NASA has even integrated Neurofeedback as a part of their astronaut training protocol.

Below is a list of conditions which Neurofeedback has been found effective for:

  • Anxiety

  • ADD(Attention Deficit Disorder)/ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

  • Epilepsy

  • Depression

  • Early Onset Alzheimers

  • Insomnia

  • Chronic Stress

  • Alcohol/Drug Addiction Recovery

  • PTSD

  • Migraines

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Neurofeedback for ADHD

In 2016 the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that 6.1 million children (nearly 10% of the children in the United States) have been diagnosed with ADHD and the most common treatment  taken for ADHD by far is stimulant medication (1).  While stimulants can help patients function and focus in the short term, they often come with many side effects and do not address any of the underlying issues of ADHD.

One of the reasons why people with ADHD have difficulty focusing is because their brain is producing too many beta waves.  While beta waves generally help us with focus and concentration, when there is too much beta it becomes difficult for the person to focus on any one thing and very easy for them to be distracted by something new.  Through neurofeedback, the client’s brain begins to be able to recognize that it is over producing beta waves and start training itself to have more balanced brain wave activity.

Alleviating symptoms of ADHD is one of the most common and documented uses of Neurofeedback.  In 2017 a meta-analysis on the effects of Neurofeedback on ADHD and Attention Deficit Disorder in adults showed significant improvement nearly universally in the Neruofeedback groups when compared to the control groups (2).   One of the main benefits of using Neurofeedback for ADHD or other disorders is that is virtually risk free and will have no counter or negative reactions with any other form of medication or treatment.  In fact, time and again studies have shown that traditional treatments are more effective when in conjunction with sessions of Neurofeedback.

Below is a graph from The Neuro Development Center showing significant improvements in a patient’s ADHD symptoms.

For a first hand account of the benefits that Neurofeedback can bring someone with ADHD, please watch the video below:

Neurofeedback for Substance Abuse/Addiction Recovery

Another major application of Neurofeedback has been assisting the recovery of those who have been addicted  to harmful substances such as alcohol and prescription or recreational drugs.  In 2014 the National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that over 20 million Americans had struggled with substance abuse that year (3).  The effects of continued substance abuse (especially alcohol) makes it very difficult for the substance  abuser to change their patterns of thinking or behavior, even if they recognize their own self destructive tendencies.  Neurofeedback can act as a ‘change-agent’ lending empowerment to a substance abuser, and fostering sobriety or rehabilitation.

Those with a history of substance abuse often feel like they have little choice or control over their life.  Neurofeedback helps clients to gain control of their life; patients who complete 10 or more sessions of Neurofeedback experience a greater ability to control and regulate their thoughts and emotions.  Once clients achieve a greater control  over their own thoughts, it becomes much easier for them to take that control and agency in to the rest of their life.

Substances such as alcohol, opiates, and benzodiazepines produce feelings of pleasure through the production of Dopamine.  While Dopamine can be produced naturally through physical activity such as running, an excess of Dopamine has a number of negative effects such as agitation, lowered attention span, and irritability.   It has also been shown that addiction causes structural changes in the brain which can be very difficult to remedy.  Neurofeedback helps show the brain that it doesn’t need the coveted drug to function and that the person can achieve calm and happiness while sober.

While Neurofeedback alone can’t cure addiction, it is a powerful tool in the recovery process.

Neurofeedback through Neuroptimal® 

At The Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland, the Neurofeedback system we use is NeurOptimal®  Advanced Brain Training System developed by the Zengar Institute in Canada.  NeurOptimal® is designed to bring balance to clients’ brain waves by providing instantaneous audio feedback whenever erratic brain wave activity is detected.  These little skips in the music prompt the brain to reorganize its activity and move to a more coherent state of functioning.  Essentially, the system provides your brain with a mirror so it can see how it is functioning and learn where to change and improve.

The reason that Doctors at the Natural Medicine chose NeuorOptimal®, over alternate Quantitative EEG systems is because NeurOptimal®  is exceptionally safe and non-invasive.  Because no ‘current’ is infused, we aren’t forcing any changes in your brain or perturbing body chemistry!  NeurOptimal®  produces no major negative side-effects and can easily be added to any pharmacotherapeutic or counseling regimen.

A session of Neurofeedback includes having five harmless metal sensors placed on the clients scalp and ears while they actively watch and listen to the programs audio and visuals for a little over half an hour.

For a brief explanation on how NeurOptimal®  works, please watch the short animated video below:

Neurofeeedback Rates:

Session Bundles – 5 sessions for $325 or 10 sessions for $600

Individual Sessions – $70

Senior Citizen Discount (Over 55) – $65 per session



2.Van Doren, J., Arns, M., Heinrich, H. et al. Sustained effects of neurofeedback in ADHD: a systematic review

and meta‑analysis. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (2018).


For even more on Neurofeedback and NeurOptimal® , please follow the links below to see some Facebook live videos and blog posts that we have created.

Facebook Live Videos:

Blog Posts:

Feel Better Fast With Natural Remedies

Help! Environmental Allergies



Spring is the season prized for lovely new “blooms”, but as many of us have noticed, ALLERGIES roll in during our Spring Season in Florida. Allergy sufferers are bothered by sinus or tension headaches, body aches, excessive mucous, sneezing and tearing or swelling eyes. The unfortunate truth is: Allergies aren’t curable, we can only work towards lessening symptoms. The mechanism underlying an environmentally instigated allergic response is the immune system.



Treat Your Symptoms



Taking natural herbal remedies is the best way to get rid of your allergy symptoms. Keep in mind that MANY supplements are misbranded—shoppers must be very intentional—you should buy supplements only from a trusted source. We recommend the quality supplements obtained from trained herbalists, or a doctor that you trust.



Distance Yourself from Pollen- Dust- or Mold



I’ve trained  patients to stay away from the natural substances and chemical entities each person is sensitized to.  Patients who are allergic to pollen should dwell indoors during the peak pollen dissemination intervals [8 am – 12 pm and 5:00pm – 9:00pm].  Humidity is also a factor to contemplate as an allergy-sufferer plans out his/her nature tours.  The general rule of thumb is to expect higher pollen counts on hot , dry and windy days.



Cook with Ginger


Ginger is a natural antihistamine and decongestant. It will provide you with relief from allergy symptoms by helping to open up your bronchial tubes.

Also eating apples, carrots, red onions, black tea and collard greens will also help your food fight off allergens.





Lobelia inflata is an herb that is used to treat asthma, allergies, whooping cough, congestion, and bronchitis. In the past, this useful herb had some utility for tobacco withdrawal, and to assist smokers in their pledge to stop smoking.




How we can help you at The Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland:




The image above is a high resolution infrared image of a client’s head who suffers from environmental allergies. The red and white HOT areas of the image represent INFLAMMATION. As you can see the client imaged has inflammation around her eyes, and in her sinus cavities. She also has some inflammation in her neck where her lymphatic system is. This is an indicator that her body is having an immune response to her allergens. Thermography is an innovative medical discovery tool. We are able to see if there are areas in your body that need extra support to prevent disease and illness. If we see signs that your immune system is struggling in certain areas of your body, we can help you treat the issue. Then in the future, we can repeat a thermal scan in the area of interest to make sure you are on the mend.



Allergy testing

Since it is in your best interest to stay away and defend yourself from your allergens, taking an allergy test is a great first step. We offer a simple and inexpensive in office blood test that will not only tell you what you are allergic to, but also how severe your allergy is.



Natural Allergy Supplements:

Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (often short handed: PUFAs) –

have anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. People who have food allergies benefit preferentially from Omega 3 supplements, as Fish Oil and various purified PUFA capsules are superb for controlling intestinal allergies.

RIF – Resolve Internal Fire –

A proprietary blend of herbs, with Curcumin as its primary ingredient.  Curcumins are plant derived and cleanly extracted from a turmeric rhizome plant.  This herbal blend also features licorice root.  The herbal acts as a POTENT anti-inflammatory.  As allergic symptoms have genesis from inflamed mucous membranes—this blended herb will help!



7 Reasons Why Functional Medicine is FOR YOU

Why Functional Medicine?  Well, if you’re not sleeping well, seem cranky all day and your stomach seem always upset.  In addition you’re feeling a bit down and just can’t figure out why.  You head to your primary physician for—if you’re lucky—a 10-minute talk about what’s going on with you. The physician listens, nods his/her head a few times and then hands you a prescription or two, shakes your hand, and says “this should help”.  Case closed unless you call for another appointment.

You get home and Google the prescribed drugs to read all the potential side effects, constipation, dry mouth, dizziness, confusion, thoughts of suicide, lower sex drive and the list goes on.  Does this approach actually make anyone better? In a word, no.  It’s an attempt to mask the actual cause of your symptoms verses address them to heal.

Why Functional Medicine?

It’s the most profound and effective way to treat patients—particularly those with chronic health issues and here’s the 7 reasons why Functional Medicine is FOR YOU:

1. Functional Medicine is all about you

In simplest terms, think of it as the ultimate in personalized, one-on-one, therapeutic relationships. It’s a health-focused, patient-centric partnership, in which doctor and patient work together to dig deep and find out the causes of illness and disease. We examine not only the patient, but also their unique history, environment, lifestyle and underlying factors, and then develop a health-enhancing, usually drug-free plan to help restore the patient to good health and get him or her on a life-long path of wellness. With Functional Medicine, we look beyond the laundry list of symptoms; the whole person is taken into account.

3. Functional Medicine is not assembly-line medicine

Our current healthcare system is, to a large extent, governed by profit-driven conglomerates that essentially force physicians to manage huge caseloads and keep people moving through the system as quickly as possible. It’s mass-produced, assembly line, quick-fix, put-a-band-aid-on-it medicine, with little hope of creating long-term health. To it’s credit however, Conventional Medicine is great at managing medical and surgical emergencies, medical crises, acute infections and trauma, but falls way short when it comes to treating chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, gastrointestinal problems, chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, functional disorders, musculoskeletal problems and stress related disorders. This is where Functional Medicine is near perfect with its more comprehensive, thoughtful individual approach.  After all, you are unique and so should your health recovery plan be.

2. Functional Medicine is artisan medicine

With Functional Medicine, the patient experience is anything but conventional. One might even call it ‘artisan medicine’, because it an art of balance, involves time, care and patience, since true healing doesn’t happen overnight. With Functional Medicine, we treat the person who has the disease rather than the disease the person has. It’s not unusual for my colleagues and me to spend an hour or more with patients, listening to their histories, doing the detective work, asking questions, and examining the genetic, environmental, and lifestyle patterns that effect health. By addressing the underlying causes of illness and disease, Functional Medicine practitioners are able to design unique, personalized healing plans that Conventional Medicine literally doesn’t have the tools, training, or the time for.

Why Functional Medicine is For You Holistic homeopathic Herbal Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida Polk County

4. Functional Medicine is the best of both worlds

Functional Medicine is not an either/or system, but rather a true combination of Conventional Medicine and many different alternative and complementary therapies. It acknowledges the strengths of Conventional Medicine for acute and crisis-care, but also realizes that this approach does not have the tools for preventing and treating chronic diseases. Unlike conventional physicians, we are able to tap into all the tools of healing—drawing from Western, Eastern, alternative, preventative and integrative medical practices—to help our patients heal. By pulling from all of these approaches and by paying special attention to diet, exercise, nutrition, supplementation and the workings of the mind, we’re not just giving patients a band-aid, we’re giving them the tools to create sustainable wellness and vitality. To me, is what true healing is all about.

5. Functional Medicine looks for the cause

In Conventional Medicine, doctors try to make a diagnosis and then apply a treatment for that particular diagnosis. In Functional Medicine we are less concerned with making a diagnosis and more concerned with the underlying imbalances or dysfunctions. These are the mechanisms of the disease process. We aim at treating those underlying disease mechanisms and ultimately look for the causes of those imbalances.

6. Functional Medicine is medicine on a mission

I call myself a health evangelist, in part because I am a man on a mission. I aim to show the unwell how they can transform their health. Certainly they will need to do the work as I can’t do it for them, but we will work as partners to restore balance and health to their lives. And participating in the process, that slow transition from illness to wellness, is one of the greatest joys of Functional Medicine—for both patient and practitioner.

7. Functional Medicine is true Health Care

Functional Medicine is true health care, unlike the disease care model of Conventional Medicine. We now have the knowledge to go beyond the current crisis care model and offer patients a much better approach to their health. We can incorporate lifestyle medicine, nutrition, supplements, stress reduction and exercise to improve the functioning of organs as a means of preventing disease and creating vibrant, sustainable health.

Functional Medicine is literally FOR YOU.

Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine Holistic Homeopathic Eastern Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida Polk County Integrated Integrative Approach Dr Catherine OnuohaFunctional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of people today. The traditional focus of medicine is disease-centered focus of medical practice where Functional Medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Functional Medicine practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. Functional Medicine supports the unique expression of vitality and health  for each individual.

  • Functional Medicine enables physicians and other health professionals to practice proactive, predictive, personalized medicine and empowers patients to take an active role in their own health.
  • Functional Medicine incorporates the latest in genetic science, systems biology, and understanding of how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of disease.
  • Functional Medicine offers a powerful new operating system and clinical model for assessment, treatment, and prevention of chronic disease to replace the outdated and ineffective acute-care models carried forward from the 20th century.

How Functional Medicine Heals a Key Health Care Gap

Today’s health care system is in trouble because it applies a medical management model that works well for acute health problems to chronic health problems, where it is much less successful. If you have a heart attack, accident or sudden lung infection such as pneumonia, you certainly want a quick-thinking doctor to use all the quick-acting resources of modern medicine, such as life-saving technology, surgery and antibiotics. Jumping in with drugs, surgery and other acute care treatments too often does not succeed in helping those with chronic, debilitating ailments, such as diabetes, heart disease or arthritis. Another approach is needed.

The Two-Pronged Healing Approach of Functional Medicine

To battle chronic health conditions, Functional Medicine uses two scientifically grounded principles:

  1. Add what’s lacking in the body to nudge its physiology back to a state of optimal functioning.
  2. Remove anything that impedes the body from moving toward this optimal state of physiology.

Plainly put, your body naturally wants to be healthy. But things needed by the body to function at its best might be missing, or something might be standing in the way of its best functioning. Functional Medicine first identifies the factors responsible for the malfunctioning. Then it deals with those factors in a way appropriate to the patient’s particular situation. Very often Functional Medicine practitioners use advanced laboratory testing to identify the root cause or causes of the patient’s health problem. Old-fashioned medical diagnosis helps too, in the form of listening carefully to the patient’s history of symptoms and asking questions about his or her activities and lifestyle. For treatment, Functional Medicine practitioners use a combination of natural agents (supplements, herbs, nutraceuticals and homeopathics), nutritional and lifestyle changes, spiritual/emotional counseling, and pharmaceuticals, if necessary to prod a patient’s physiology back to an optimal state. In addition, educating the patient about their condition empowers them to take charge of their own health, ultimately leading to greater success in treatment.

Treating Symptoms Versus Treating the Person

In the dominant health care model today, medication is used to get rid of people’s symptoms. If the patient stops taking the medication, symptoms generally return. Functional Medicine approaches health problems differently. Instead of masking the problem, it aims at restoring the body’s natural functioning. Although Functional Medicine practitioners may prescribe pharmaceuticals, they are used to gently nudge the patient’s physiology in a positive direction so the patient will no longer need them. For example, conventional doctors would normally prescribe pharmaceuticals like Prilosec, Prevacid or Aciphex to treat acid reflux or heartburn. When the patient stops taking such drugs, the heartburn symptoms come back. In contrast, a Functional Medicine practitioner might find that a patient’s acid reflux is caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Eradicating the Helicobacter pylori might very well lead to the end of heartburn symptoms, permanently. It’s also important to note that in Functional Medicine, treatment for similar symptoms might vary tremendously for different patients, according to their medical history and results of laboratory tests. Factors that can come into play in producing the same symptoms include toxic chemicals, pathogenic bacteria, parasites, chronic viral pathogens, emotional poisons like anger, greed or envy, and structural factors such as tumors or cysts.

The Roots of Functional Medicine

Sir William Osler Functional Medicine Pioneer Homeopathic Holistic Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida Polk County Alternative Approach Dr Catherine Onuoha

Sir William Osler Functional Medicine Pioneer

You may be surprised to learn that Functional Medicine isn’t new. It actually represents a return to the roots of modern scientific medicine, captured in this statement by Sir William Osler, one of the first professors at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and later its Physician-in-Chief: “The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” Another important saying by Osler is “If you listen carefully to the patient, they will tell you the diagnosis.” This encapsulates the importance placed in Functional Medicine on taking a thorough history from the patient.

Your Experience of Functional Medicine

We have titled this web site, “Your Medical Detective,” because patients often feel their Functional Medicine practitioner is leaving no stone unturned in their relentless research to pinpoint the causes of a particular patient’s symptoms. When you consult a Functional Medicine practitioner, the first step is always your history. Practitioners are trained on how to unravel and make sense of a complicated story. Often clues in the story lead to the identification of key imbalances. The next set of clues comes from a comprehensive physical examination, which includes many nearly forgotten examination procedures used by famous diagnosticians (both living and long gone), such as chapman reflex points, ankle brachial reflex and nail inspection. The final set of clues comes from advanced laboratory testing. Innovative, cutting-edge lab tests help the practitioner look deeply into a patient’s physiology to identify how it has been compromised and how physiological balance can be restored. After diagnosis and treatment, a Functional Medicine patient can expect his or her symptoms to diminish in severity, with a renewed sense of well-being and significant increase in health and vitality. While there is no substitute for face-to-face treatment from a trained Functional Medicine practitioner, this site educates you on the Functional Medicine perspective and on the kinds of clues and treatments that may be key to restoring you to optimal health.

A Little Each Day…

Dear Friends,   Pheww.. these last few years have been a lot to manage. Between trying to stay healthy, supply shortages and just a whole lot of drama, we have all had a lot on our plates! Here at the Natural Medicine Center we want to encourage our community members and patients to stay positive. […]

Thermography after COVID

  Darla Fleche, has been a clinical thermographer at Natural Medicine Center since 2015. Darla reports that in her practice, she is seeing a lot of patients who have recovered from COVID but now have new health challenges that have emerged after their infections.   ‘COVID seems to affect everyone a little differently. Some examples […]

Emergency Ready!

Prepare for an EMERGENCY now     Dr. Catherine is passionate about being ready for any curveballs 2022 might throw our way! Watch the video below for more information!       Dr. Catherine recommends getting a ‘bug out bag’ ready for emergency evacuation… ———————————————————————-   ————————————————————   News outlets are projecting supply chain […]

Wellness with Epigenetics

Unlock your CodeExpress your Limitless State of Wellness with Epigenetics Have you have tried different strategies to change your state of health, they have worked for other people but not for you? Are you still looking for answers in regards to your health and wellness? Do you want to take your wellness to the next level? Do you […]

4 DIY ways to keep your lymph clean

Drink plenty of water Clean eating Dry Brushing Exercise 1.  Drink Plenty of Water 8 Glasses per day? How much water should we drink per day? Between 7-11 glass per day.  2. Clean Eating At The Natural Medicine Center we believe that the right diet is very unique to each person. We recommend different diets […]

Avoid Getting Leaky Gut

      Gut health and avoiding a leaky gut is not only important for those of us with digestive issues but is important for all of us! The continuity and strength of our gastrointestinal (GI) membrane barrier is vital for immunologic functioning. The layered GI barrier system also permits our gut lumen spaces to […]

Candida Overgrowth

Candida Overgrowth Causes and Treatment with a Natural Approach

Candida Yeast Overgrowth Infection Over Eating Sweets Sugar Cure Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central FloridaIt’s hard to live in a living world without some living organisms taking residence on or inside of your body. It might not be the most pleasant idea, but everyone is carrying bugs of some sort. Harmful organisms in the intestines and bacteria in the gut are among the most common. Another is Candida albicans. If you’ve ever experienced a yeast infection, then you probably know this one well  . Although everyone has Candida, problems are unlikely to arise if it’s kept in balance. However, if Candida imbalance occurs, so may a yeast infection. Yeast infections can affect the mouth, skin and genitals (and that includes women AND men) and range in severity from inconvenient and uncomfortable to life-threatening. Additionally, overgrowth in the gastrointestinal tract may be a catalyst for serious problems if the fungus enters the bloodstream.

Let’s take a look at a few other must-know facts about yeast infections.

1. Yeast Infections May Occur Orally

Gross. Really? Yes, oral yeast infections are commonly called thrush. This infection is common in newborns but typically passes quickly. Babies are not the only ones affected, a recent study found that oral Candida overgrowth occurs in one out of every four adults. Poor oral hygiene is often a primary factor. Researchers identified the presence of plaque, tartar, and amalgam fillings as significantly related to the degree of Candida present. [1] The best defense? Proper, and regular, oral hygiene.

2. Vaginal Yeast Infections Can Be Tricky

Practicing good hygiene is a very good deterrent for yeast infections. However, this isn’t always the case. Frequent douching has been associated with higher incidences of yeast infections. So has wearing tight nylon or synthetic underwear. Oddly enough, over-the-counter anti-fungal medications have also been associated with stubborn occurrences of vaginal candiadosis. [2] The use of intrauterine contraceptive devices also show a statistically significant increase in Candida infection. [3]

3. Use of an Asthma Inhaler May Contribute to Candida

A Brazilian study of adults using inhalers for longer than 6 months identified oral candidiasis as one of several adverse effects. [4] Anyone using an inhaler, or any other oral appliance (such as mouth guards, retainers, or dentures) should be aware of the possibility of Candida exposure.

4. Candida Naturally Occurs On and In Humans

Microbiota like Candida occur naturally on human skin and in the human gastrointestinal tract. In healthy individuals, the immune system and symbiotic bacteria help keep these fungal species in check. Not surprisingly, persons with compromised immune systems are among the most susceptible to Candida overgrowth.

5. The Connection Between Diabetes and Candida

Individuals with diabetes are more likely to develop genital yeast infections, both women and men. The high blood glucose levels of diabetics encourage yeast growth. And, because it inhibits immune response, the risk of recurring infection is higher. Women are more likely to suffer infection from Candida alibicans and Candida glabrate. Uncircumsized men may experience infection from Candida balaritis. [5]

6. Candida Often Accompanies HIV

Research has shown nearly 90% of HIV positive patients suffer from oral Candiadisis. In contrast, these patients do not experience an increase in genital yeast infection. [6]

7. Candida Loves Carbohydrates

While Candida occurs naturally in the human digestive tract, how much is present depends quite a bit on diet. Studies have identified that persons whose diets are high in carbohydrates are more susceptible than persons whose diets are high in amino acids, proteins and fatty acids. Candida levels increase most immediately following consumption of carbohydrates.[7]

8. You Can Protect Yourself With Probiotics

Intestinal yeast infections, or Candida overgrowth, have been associated with the development of several Irritable Bowel Diseases (IBDs) such as Crohn’s disease. Protecting intestinal health has become a major focus for research. One study identified a probiotic strain as successful for improving cellular defense against Candida. [8]

9. Presents an Increased Risk of MS

This one is an unforeseen doozy to most — Candida infection has been associated with increased odds of multiple sclerosis (MS). A case-control study evaluated the relationship of MS and Candida infection and discovered that MS patients showed higher overall blood serum levels of Candida than the control group. [9]

10. Potential Remedy for Warts?

Perhaps not all facts about Candida infections are bad. One study found positive benefits from using a purified C. albicans antigen solution for persistent warts. This has led researchers to suggest intralesional Candida immunotherapy may provide an effective treatment for warts resistant to other forms of destruction. [10]


Contact Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland if you are suffering from Candida Overgrowth

A Little Each Day…

Dear Friends,   Pheww.. these last few years have been a lot to manage. Between trying to stay healthy, supply shortages and just a whole lot of drama, we have all had a lot on our plates! Here at the Natural Medicine Center we want to encourage our community members and patients to stay positive. […]

Thermography after COVID

  Darla Fleche, has been a clinical thermographer at Natural Medicine Center since 2015. Darla reports that in her practice, she is seeing a lot of patients who have recovered from COVID but now have new health challenges that have emerged after their infections.   ‘COVID seems to affect everyone a little differently. Some examples […]

Emergency Ready!

Prepare for an EMERGENCY now     Dr. Catherine is passionate about being ready for any curveballs 2022 might throw our way! Watch the video below for more information!       Dr. Catherine recommends getting a ‘bug out bag’ ready for emergency evacuation… ———————————————————————-   ————————————————————   News outlets are projecting supply chain […]

Wellness with Epigenetics

Unlock your CodeExpress your Limitless State of Wellness with Epigenetics Have you have tried different strategies to change your state of health, they have worked for other people but not for you? Are you still looking for answers in regards to your health and wellness? Do you want to take your wellness to the next level? Do you […]

4 DIY ways to keep your lymph clean

Drink plenty of water Clean eating Dry Brushing Exercise 1.  Drink Plenty of Water 8 Glasses per day? How much water should we drink per day? Between 7-11 glass per day.  2. Clean Eating At The Natural Medicine Center we believe that the right diet is very unique to each person. We recommend different diets […]

Avoid Getting Leaky Gut

      Gut health and avoiding a leaky gut is not only important for those of us with digestive issues but is important for all of us! The continuity and strength of our gastrointestinal (GI) membrane barrier is vital for immunologic functioning. The layered GI barrier system also permits our gut lumen spaces to […]


  1. Muzurovic S, Babajic E, Masic T, Smajic R, Selmanagic A. The relationship between oral hygiene and oral colonisation with Candida species. Med Arh. 2012;66(6):415-7.
  2. Ekpenyong CE, Inyang-etoh EC, Ettebong EO, Akpan UP, Ibu JO, Daniel NE.Recurrent vulvovaginal candidosis among young women in south eastern Nigeria: the role of lifestyle and health-care practices. Int J STD AIDS. 2012 Oct;23(10):704-9. doi: 10.1258/ijsa.2012.011382.
  3. Güdücü N, Gönenç G, Içi H, Yi?iter AB, Basüllü N, Dünder I. Clinical importance of detection of bacterial vaginosis, trichomonas vaginalis, candida albicans and actinomyces in Papanicolaou smears. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2012;39(3):333-6.
  4. Pinto CR, Almeida NR, Marques TS, Yamamura LL, Costa LA, Souza-Machado A. Local adverse effects associated with the use of inhaled corticosteroids in patients with moderate or severe asthma. J Bras Pneumol. 2013 Jun-Aug;39(4):409-17. doi: 10.1590/S1806-37132013000400003.
  5. PNyirjesy P, Sobel JD. Genital mycotic infections in patients with diabetes. Postgrad Med. 2013 May;125(3):33-46. doi: 10.3810/pgm.2013.05.2650.
  6. Fidel PL Jr. Immunity to Candida. Oral Dis. 2002;8 Suppl 2:69-75.
  7. Hoffmann C, Dollive S, Grunberg S, Chen J, Li H, Wu GD, Lewis JD, Bushman FD. Archaea and fungi of the human gut microbiome: correlations with diet and bacterial residents. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 17;8(6):e66019. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066019. Print 2013.
  8. Rizzo A, Losacco A, Carratelli CR. Lactobacillus crispatus modulates epithelial cell defense against Candida albicans through Toll-like receptors 2 and 4, interleukin 8 and human β-defensins 2 and 3. Immunol Lett. 2013 Oct 10. pii: S0165-2478(13)00158-2. doi: 10.1016/j.imlet.2013.08.013.
  9. Benito-León J, Pisa D, Alonso R, Calleja P, Díaz-Sánchez M, Carrasco L. Association between multiple sclerosis and Candida species: evidence from a case-control study. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2010 Sep;29(9):1139-45. doi: 10.1007/s10096-010-0979-y. Epub 2010 Jun 17.
  10. Majid I, Imran S. Immunotherapy with Intralesional Candida Albicans Antigen in Resistant or Recurrent Warts: A Study. Indian J Dermatol. 2013 Sep;58(5):360-365.

Balancing Hormones

Balancing hormones can be influenced by a number of factors in men and women. Fluctuations in hormone levels occur throughout the lifecycle, some are just a natural part of aging while others may be the result of stress, toxic exposures, diet, or unhealthy sleep patterns. It is important to monitor your hormone levels throughout the lifespan and take action early to address imbalances before it affects your health or quality of life.

 Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

The symptoms of hormone imbalance may vary from person to person and evolve over time. For example, a woman may experience menopausal symptoms, like hot flashes during the early stages of menopause, but she may continue to experience these discomforts for years after the menstrual cycle has stopped. Men often experience symptoms on an intermittent basis as testosterone levels begin to decline in his late 20s. Symptoms often become frequent or compile as a man reaches middle age.

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Weight gain
  • Muscle loss
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Low energy

The Benefits of Balanced Hormones

Achieving balancing hormones offers men and women a number of benefits, such as more energy, better sleep, and stabilized moods, but beyond that research has shown that hormone therapy improves overall health by reducing the risk of disease.

Late in 2015, the results of the Veterans Database Study found that men who treated low testosterone with testosterone therapy experienced a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in early 2016 found that testosterone therapy improved mood, sexual health, and physical fitness in men.

Among women, hormone therapy has been heralded as the best treatment for menopause, helping to reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms. In March of 2016, the results of the highly anticipated ELITE study were published in NEJM, finding that women who begin hormone therapy early in their menopausal years experienced a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

Finding the Right Hormone Balance

Hormone (and thyroid) balancing is one of Dr. Catherine’s focus areas and one of the primary patient types which she sees. Dr. Catherine understands that achieving balance is a combination of advanced therapies, like bioidentical hormone therapy, and dynamic strategies for nutrition, stress management, and sleep that work synergistically to promote optimal health. Dr. Catherine has been specially-trained and certified in bioidentical hormone therapy and functional medicine practices to ensure every patient receives elite care and maximizes their health potential.

Digestive Health Problems Signs of Poor Digestion Irritable Intestine Bowel Syndrome Stomach Healing Holistic Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

10 Signs of Poor Digestive Health – What You Can Do

Digestive Health is very important for general well-being since external substances gain access to the entire body through the intestines.  The old saying, “You are what you eat,” is so true.  The modern American diet highly processed foods, fast food, high calorie, high amounts of sugars, high


and low nutritional value diets is the direct cause of the majority of poor digestion and many illnesses.  See our recent posting on Candida Overgrowth – 25 Signs You May Have It.  As a result primarily of poor diet, digestive health problems lead to the development of symptoms in numerous body systems.

According to the US National Institute of Health’s most recent statistics, in 2010 over 48.3 million Americans were diagnosed with some form of Digestive Health Disorder in that year alone.


Primary Care Provider


Emergency Room Diagnosed


Walk-In Clinic Diagnosed


Hospitalizations: 21.7 million (2010)
Mortality: 245,921 deaths (2009)
Diagnostic and therapeutic inpatient procedures: 5.4 million—12 percent of all inpatient procedures (2007)
Ambulatory surgical procedures: 20.4 million—20 percent of all “write-in” surgical procedures (2010)

Watch this 90 minute video for an awesome review of Natural Digestive Health.

Signs of Trouble

So that you can either (1) pull yourself out of being or (2) keep yourself from being one of those statistics, pay attention to the signs your body is trying to tell you.  Digestive Health problems can exhibit many symptom.  Here are some to watch for:

  1. Abdominal pain
  2. Asthma
  3. Bleeding
  4. Fatigue
  5. Food allergies
  6. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms like bloating, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn and flatulence or abdominal gas
  7. Nausea and vomiting
  8. Skin conditions like eczema
  9. Swallowing problems
  10. Weight gain and weight loss

Don’t Guess.  Test for Digestive Health Problems

Thermography or thermal imaging can be used to evaluate digestive health since this medical procedure creates images that show areas of inflammation inside the intestines. These thermal scans can help diagnose food allergies and other digestive health problems.

Treatment for Digestive Health Problems

The treatment for digestive health problems usually includes a treatment plan that is personalized according to each patient’s symptoms and co-existing conditions. This treatment plan can include the following:

1. Probiotic and Digestive Enzyme supplements

Probiotic supplements improve gut health by restoring normal levels of the good gut bacteria. We are proud distributors for several highly purified premium Digestive Flora and Digestive Enzyme formulations. Digestive enzymes aid in the chemical breakdown of food into smaller, absorbable components so they can be readily absorbed and put into the bloodstream. In addition to supporting your overall (cellular) health and nutrition, these formulations prevent cramping, flatulence, belching, heartburn, and acid reflux. Digestive enzymes also regulate bowel movements, which helps to avoid both constipation and diarrhea. Beyond all this, Digestive Flora preps will advantage nutrition on a cellular level, plus boost metabolism.

2. Eating fermented foods for better digestion process

Eating traditional fermented foods helps increase levels of good bacteria in the intestines. Sauerkraut, kefir (fermented milk), natto (fermented soy), Kombucha, lassi (traditional Indian yogurt) and kimchi are some good examples. These fermented foods should be consumed on a regular basis since they also act as chelators and can remove toxins from the body.

3. Consuming or Taking Glutamine to Restore Intestine Health

Glutamine is very important for the repair and regeneration of the intestines. This nutrient can be obtained from eating foods like meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. Vegans can obtain their glutamine from beans, beetroots and spinach. Glutamine can also be consumed as a supplement after consulting your healthcare provider.

4. Drinking Water

Drinking around 8 glasses of water each day can improve a person’s general health and their digestive health. This water should be pure water which is not highly chlorinated.  Without installing a whole house water purification system, you can potentially do what I did and install a 3 phase reverse osmosis filter system that fits under the kitchen sink with a sink top mounted faucet.  It has a storage container that supplies on demand and can fill a couple cooking pots easily.  Ours was purchased at our local big box home improvement center and installed in an hour or two.  

The consumption of water should begin with squeezing a lemon into a glass and drinking it before breakfast to kick start the digestive system.

Eat Healthy While Working Munch On Veggies and Fruit Eating Real Whole Raw Food for Health Vitality and Wellness Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

Cut fresh veggies and have ready to snack on all day while you work. Drink ginger & lemon tea adding turmeric for pain and inflamation reduction.

Peppermint, ginger and fennel herbal teas can also be consumed to heal the digestive system and increase a person’s daily water intake. Ginger tea is especially beneficial since it stimulates the production of digestive enzymes. It also relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestines and reduces cramps and gas.  

I enjoy slicing fresh ginger into thin sheets, slicing around 1/4th to 1/2 a fresh lemon also into thin sheets adding them to a tall mug.  I pour kettle hot water and dash in some Turmeric powered spice for its many benefits including anti-viral, anti-inflammatory and pain relieving.  I typically get a huge amount of fresh ginger for $2 and 4 – 6 fresh lemons also for around $2 weekly on our shopping trips to the Auburndale Flea Market’s fantastic produce section.  

5. Eat Raw Vegetables and Fruit

You cannot be your optimal health unless you are eating with your health in mind.  Start by adding fresh cut veggies – ANYTHING you like to baggies and take to work to munch on ALL DAY.  This will keep you full and satisfied.  Eat Your Veggies and Fruit Eating Real Whole Raw Food for Health Vitality and Wellness Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central FloridaTry without any dipping sauces since those add sugars that aren’t needed.  Vary it up with color, texture and flavors as well.  For me carrots, celery and all colors of bell peppers are staples.  I then depending on what I buy at the Lakeland Downtown Saturday Curb Market or the Auburndale Flea Market Produce area, I might have, cucumber, radishes, orange (many types), grapefruit, kiwi, broccoli, cauliflower, fresh berries, pear and more.  Your body needs the whole real food nutrients, fiber and alkalizing benefits of raw fresh veggies and fruits.

5. Eating “liver foods”

Eating foods which enhance the health of the liver also improves the function of the entire digestive system. These foods include dandelion, milk thistle, beet roots and carrots.  Did you know that the entire dandelion plant is edible and good for you?  Organic is best but so long as it’s not treated with any pesticides you could have a salad waiting for you in your own yard.  Dandelion is available as some local grocers and occasionally at the Lakeland Downtown Saturday Curb Market.  Often people will turn to supplements for dandelion and milk thistle consumption.

6. Stress management

Stress can wreak havoc in the digestive system and aggravate many of the symptoms associated with poor digestive health. As a result, it should be managed effectively by practicing relaxation techniques like meditation and abdominal breathing regularly.

What you consume is all the raw materials your complex body has to function with.  It’s predominantly

water, so ensuring it gets the cleanest and most water it can is vital to whole body function.  Further the food you consume DEFINES YOUR HEALTH.  Make choices to incorporate good foods and over time see the desire for bad food disappear or are those special occasion side tracks.

You CAN BE Healthy.  You Deserve It.

Do You Want to Feel Better?

Candida Overgrowth Symptoms Yeast Infection Test Cure How to Get Rid of It Homeopathic Remedy Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

Candida Overgrowth – 25 Signs You May Have It

Candida Overgrowth can go undetected for a long time. Most people infected with candida are unaware of the yeast infection and they look very healthy on the outside. However when Candida population increases, it is able to penetrate the bloodstream through the walls of the intestines and cause a condition known as leaky gut syndrome.

Candida Overgrowth Symptoms Can Include:

  1. Abdominal pain
  2. Allergies
  3. Anxiety
  4. Autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and multiple sclerosis
  5. Bloating and belching
  6. Cognitive disorders like poor memory, concentration problems and brain fog
  7. Constipation
  8. Craving sugar and refined carbohydrates
  9. Depression
    Candida Overgrowth Yeast Infection Over Eating Sweets Sugar Cure Natural Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida

    Candida Overgrowth Yeast Infection

  10. Diarrhea
  11. Endometriosis
  12. Fatigue
  13. Flatulence or intestinal gas
  14. Halitosis or bad breath
  15. Impotence
  16. Infertility
  17. Insomnia
  18. Irritability
  19. Joint pains and swelling
  20. Low libido
  21. Muscle aches, weakness and paralysis
  22. Mood swings
  23. Rectal itching
  24. Skin conditions like athlete’s foot, fungal nail infections, eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma and systemic lupus
  25. Vaginal itching, burning and discharge

These symptoms are also associated with numerous other conditions which make diagnosing Candida infection quite challenging.

Factors which lead to an increase in the candida population include:

  1. Eating a diet rich in processed foods
  2. Drinking a lot of alcohol
  3. Taking antibiotics that kill the good bacteria in the intestines

Once the candida penetrates into the bloodstream, it triggers a cascade of infectious symptoms. It enters the blood stream by penetrating the protective mucosa lining within the intestines and throughout our bodies.

What is Candida?

Candida is a type of yeast which normally lives in the intestines in small amounts and aids the digestive process.

Julia Koehler, a Harvard University estimated that candida was responsible for around 60% of the fungal infections acquired in hospitals and it resulted in the deaths of every 1 out 3 infected persons. She reported that the fungus was dangerous because of its ability to change from a minor infection into a severe infection when the person developed low immunity.

Studies by Rice University reveal that around 70% of all people are affected by Candida. Research published in the Journal of the German Society of Dermatology found that Candida albicans was the species responsible for between 50 to 90% of all the candida infections (1).

Tests for Candida Overgrowth Yeast Infection

Candida infection can be tested by a blood test. This test checks for levels of antibodies to candida known as IgA, IgG and IgM. A Comprehensive Stool Test can also show positive Candida even when blood testing is negitive since the blood only checks for antibodies and not the actual yeast.  Further, a Urine Test that looks for the yeast waste product that is called D-arabinitol can determine the presence of Candida overgrowth if elevated results is positive.

Treatment of Candida Overgrowth Yeast Infection

Once the candida infection is confirmed and its severity assessed, the treatment of candida often includes a comprehensive plan that can include the following:

  1. Eliminating simple sugars like candy, deserts, chocolates, alcohol and flour from the diet since this fungi feeds on them.Candida Overgrowth Foods to Eliminate to Stop Feeding Bad Yeast - Naturlal Medicine Center Lakeland Central Florida
  2. Reducing the intake of complex carbohydrates like whole grains, beans, fruit, pasta and potatoes to further reduce the population of candida in the intestines.
  3. Taking caprylic acid supplements which are obtained from coconut oil as it helps kill the yeast cells.
  4. Taking probiotics to increase the concentration of the good bacteria in the gut and keep the candida in check.

You may read some herbalist recommending Oregano Oil.  We do no recommend this as it kills all yeast, even the good ones you need.

Be proactive in your health.  Heal your gut.  Eat whole raw vegetables to your heart’s desire.  Introduce foods known to fight Candia. Alkaline your diet.



1. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2013 May;11(5):381-93; quiz 394. doi: 10.1111/ddg.12097.